File Folder Games are easy and fun! These are great for homeschool, early arrivers, or whenever you need something extra to do.
Bible Fun For Kids: Noah

Noah's Ark

Armor of God VBS: Decorations
Armor of God VBS
Paul wrote about the armor in Ephesians 6:10-20. Paul was used as the first lesson to introduce the theme and to explain what the pieces of the armor were as a whole. We used one or two pieces of armor for each lesson. 2. Noah 3. Joshua 4. Gideon These are the decorations for the building.

Armor of God VBS: Noah
2. Armor of God VBS
Noah is the second lesson in Armor of God series. Paul wrote about the armor in Ephesians 6:10-20. The Breastplate of Righteousness was used with Noah because he was found righteous by God in Genesis 7:1 and was a preacher of righteousness - living right. 2 Peter 2:5 These lessons and decorations can be used for Gideon without the armor theme.

Noah's Ark Review Game
As I was creating the Big Mouth Games, I realized there needed to be one for Noah!
This is slightly different since the questions are on animal cards, which will be inserted into the door of the ark once the student answers the question correctly.
This is easy to put together and you have a fun way to review.

Noah and Rainbows

Noah's Ark

Bible ABC's
There is a Life of Jesus and Acts series for the New Testament.
An assortment of events and people with all new downloadable packs.

Number Match It