This VBS was In the Beginning, and we studied creation, Adam & Eve, Noah to Tower of Babel, and an overview of Joseph. The younger classes deleted Noah (who we did the year before). This post has pictures only to help you with decorating ideas. Hope Terlecki designed and Hope and more people decorated the foyer, another group did Noah in the breezeway, and one more group decorated the hallway with Joseph. It takes a lot of people to make this work! Not shown in most of the pictures are birds, clouds, and the sun hanging from the ceiling which is really fun for the kids.
Each picture is floor to ceiling, so it is amazing,
especially for the kids!
Creation and Adam & Eve:
My favorite scene was the huge tree in the middle of the foyer. There is a pole that was covered to be this tree and it was amazing. Every time you look at it, you will see something different. There are a lot of details to create the whole scene. This picture shows the front and back as if you are walking around it.

This picture shows some of the details of the tree close up.
This scene has an amazing number of details also.
This was beautiful with all the pop of colors!
This has so many details to make the whole design which was 2 walls.
The cardboard standup animals were ordered last year on clearance
This has so many details to make the whole design which was 2 walls.
The cardboard standup animals were ordered last year on clearance
because we started planning in the Fall and we can start searching early
for the next year.
This scene shows the darkness after Adam and Eve sinned.
You can see them in the center.
Noah's Ark
But you had to get 'on' the ark first.
These were designed to feel like you are on the ark:
One of Joseph's dreams
Thank you so much for sharing these visuals! Looking forward to using them for our children's family camp ministry! What a blessing!