
Friday, August 16, 2024

In the Beginning VBS: 2. Adam & Eve

I purchased this tree background for the Garden of Eden. So much was added to complete this scene! I added the fruit, then used some vines to attach the serpent (which is old and not sold anymore). I added Adam & Eve behind a bush, the foxes cardboard standup, and a Melissa & Doug lion (which the kids LOVED and wouldn't/couldn't stop touching).
To add dimension to the tree, I 48 purchased artificial lemons/limes (eBay was cheaper) and painted them so they wouldn't look like any fruit we have. Since we are not told what kind of fruit it was, just that it looked good to eat, and the fruit was on that tree in the Garden of Eden only, it probably is not any of the same fruit we have today. I painted the fruit with Spa Blue and once the paint was dry, I made a small hole with an awl, added a dot of glue, and inserted 2-4 of the wires with the leaf on it, and added more glue around the wires. The glue will dry clear. If you are preparing ahead of time, keep the leaves together so they don't get tangled up.

To cover Adam & Eve, I used a science board with the header attached, put together and rounded the sides, then covered it with this leaves background. It was the perfect size and design. It was a lot cheaper and easier to use than turf grass I was looking for. Then I added Adam and Eve and some vines to add texture.

This background has Adam naming the animals. I cut Adam to look like he was behind an animal since he needed to be covered. I purchased the animal standup last year when they were on clearance. Click here to download Adam to piece together (2 pieces) and trim as needed.
Click here to download the Magnetic Board Visuals. These are mostly half-page numbered visuals with the numbered lesson included.
(All are not shown.)

I couldn't decide what to do for the review activity. 
One suggestion was this Fruit Avalanche game.
Or pin the fruit in Adam's hand/mouth or Eve's. Play girls and boys divided into teams.
Or name different kinds of fruit God made to bring in the previous lesson if you have a smaller class and bring in fruit for them to eat. 
My first thought was to make fruit cards with Bible quotes (some with a twist) to discuss Satan's discussion with Eve and call it Truth or Lie. 
Or use a tabletop tree and hang printed fruit cards with questions for the kids to pick one to answer.
After asking my grandkids what their favorite review game was, we used the buzzers and just asked questions. The kids have so much fun with this!
VBS is divided into four classes, and a craft is one of them. This year Emily had them make a noodle serpent which my grandson really enjoyed making. You can buy pre-colored noodles like these. I put dyed pasta noodles for crafts in the search bar. Add the yarn and foam face and google eyes and you have a wiggle serpent. 

Additional notes: Cut the yarn long enough to lay one end hanging out about 1/2" to make the tongue. Lay the yarn as shown between two sticky foam faces and add wiggle eyes. Insert the 'tail' back into the last noodle and knot a couple of time to secure it.

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