Zacharias Names Him John

Monday, January 4, 2021
ABC's of Jesus' Life: Z is for Zacharias
Zacharias Names Him John
These lessons can be used without the alphabet theme.
Consider these an update with new ideas and printables!
There is a one-page flip book in color and black and white. This can be glued into an Interactive Notebook (if you are making one).

This is a great verse to memorize and I used it in two lessons! Luke 1:37 These printables can be used for this lesson and any other appropriate lesson and were kept plain intentionally for this purpose. Students can color or paint the designs on the banner, door hanger and bookmark. Stickers can be added. String or ribbon can be added to the banner to hang and on the bookmark. Click here to see more banners with this verse.

 The first is a Reader Worksheet. The wording from the scripture is as easy to read as possible with sight words while keeping to the key points with easy to answer questions. The second is a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. Color and black & white are included for both.
There is a family Anchor Chart included. Event Cards are included. They can be used as smaller visuals and they can be shuffled for the student to re-tell the events and lay them in order. The same full-page size visuals and pictures-to-color can be downloaded below.
The Graphic Organizer is plain on purpose! The scripture tells us that Zacharias didn't made excuses because he didn't really believe what the angel was telling him. You can discuss the problem with making excuses to disobey God, their parents. Or, faith. Or even personal accountability or consequences for their excuses. God does not accept excuses, so maybe some verses to look up and discuss that. Anyway, that is why the Graphic Organizers are left blank. And, I love this verse, so there is a memory verse poster/Anchor Chart in color and black & white. The crossword puzzle with teacher's answer sheet is included also.
A Word Search with answer sheet, pencil color by number code and maze are included.
There is a set of 5 and 10 piece puzzles. There are alphabet mazes and worksheets included. These are half-sheets and can be used in Interactive Notebooks. Click here to see a free video on how to make and use Interactive Notebooks.
There is a set of Stand-Ups with half page backgrounds included. The background scenes and people can be printed and reused for other lessons. Kids love re-telling with these!
These scrolls are in color and black & white. The left scroll is a tracing scroll for younger students and the right scroll is a cipher scroll for older students.

Click here to download the updated lesson and application pack. 
There are visuals of Mary visiting Elizabeth included.
Not all visuals are shown.

These are the same as the visuals, but are black & white.  

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