
Monday, December 7, 2020

Paul's Traveling Companions Suitcase
This is an assortment of printables to use when studying the men that traveled with Paul. There is a plain suitcase and the color suitcase as shown and will work best printed on cardstock. The map can be glued to the inside of the suitcase and does not have every place marked, but can be added to your study and students can write the places if you would like to. The people are in color only. I cut them, stacked them together and stapled on the right inside the suitcase. But, you can glue the sides of the suitcase and let the students insert the pages and map inside like a suitcase. There are worksheets included. The first has the picture, scripture and a blank space for any notes you want the student to write. The second does not have a picture and has a scripture and lines to write the notes. The last is a completed worksheet for the teacher. Unless you want to use them for discussion and hand these out to the students. Click here to download the set.
Another idea for Paul is this craftivity. Click here to see it.
(available Friday)


  1. would like the review of Acts using the magnifying glass with the questions
    Kenneth Long

    1. Is this it?


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.