
Friday, August 14, 2020

Joshua Overview
This is lesson seven in a 13-week series that I used in my class. I wanted one quarter to introduce the Old Testament with a basic timeline of the people and events. The students can learn what happened in the Old Testament and how those events lead to Jesus. These lessons are a combination of the Life Overview Series and other lessons. I will show you what I used to blend several posts into 13 lessons. You can change any to fit your needs.
This lesson teaches about Joshua. The lesson continues to explain the Big Picture. I discussed the land division for the 12 Tribes as part of the Old Testament overview. The main application though is Joshua’s statement “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” So we did a puzzle and worksheet to see how to apply that to our house/life. Keep in mind these lessons are slightly longer with very different application reviews.
The (left) worksheet is a discussion starter to talk about serving the Lord. I printed the puzzle on cardstock and put the pieces in sandwich bags. It reinforces the thought about serving Jesus. These are black & white only.
There are a lot of posters with the visuals for this lesson.
I also used this Bible Timeline File Folder Game. I made the pictures into stickers (which they love!) and the students added to it each week. Even though we studied Jesus and Acts after this quarter, rather than removing any pictures, I printed those pictures already on the page along with a couple that we wouldn't have as it's own lesson.
Click here if you want to print the one I used with some of the pictures already in place. This includes the completed teacher's visual also. 
The original file has a teacher's visual completed. and a student file folder without any pictures on the timeline. All pictures will need to be cut and glued or made into stickers to use.
 Click here to see more for Joshua.
The file includes visuals for Joshua 1-6:
Rahab, The Jordan Crossing and The Battle of Jericho.
There are 35 visuals, so all are not shown.

Click here to download the pictures to color.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Scripture references
Numbers 10:9 God will save the people when they blow the trumpets
Numbers 11:28 Joshua was Moses’ assistant and one of his high-quality men
Numbers 13:25 they spied the land for 40 days
Numbers 14:34 God’s punishment for disbelief
Numbers 27:22-23 Joshua appointed next leader
Deuteronomy 34:5 Moses died
Joshua 3:16 the Jordan waters stood still
Joshua 4:13 about 40,000 men readied themselves for Jericho battle
Joshua 5:13-15 The Commander of the Lord’s army spoke to Joshua
Revelation 19:11 Jesus is the Commander
Joshua 6:20 the city walls fell down flat
Hebrews 11:30 by faith the walls fell down
Joshua 6:27 God was with Joshua and his fame was well-known
Joshua 8:1 Do not be afraid or dismayed
Joshua 10:41 Joshua conquered all the land
Joshua 14:4 land divided among the tribes
Joshua 24:14 fear the Lord & serve Him sincerely and in truth
Joshua 24:15 choose who to serve; but my house will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:29 Joshua died 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for all of your hard work in putting this together. It is a real blessing that Sunday School teachers can access all of your hard work! The children enjoy the pictures and the activities, which cement the main points into their hearts and minds.


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