Ruth Songs & Ideas

Monday, April 20, 2020
Thanks to Haley Wilson for sharing her photos and ideas! Haley teaches one of the preschool classes with Glenda Wilson. And Glenda creates most of the ideas that Haley uses. Haley says we need this or that and Glenda creates it! Thanks to both for permitting me to share!
Thanks to Jeanne Dickson for sharing her Bible class songs! I have created a flipchart for the Ruth songs that are shown below. Yes, two new songs!
This is such an easy way to get the preschoolers moving for hands-on learning! Cut or tear yellow paper and toss the pieces on the floor. They will remember Ruth picking up grain like Ruth as you review the lesson and they pick up 'grain' like Ruth. (Don't forget something for them to put it in.)
Here is a new song by Jeanne Dickson! This includes a one-page black & white printable of the song and a color flipchart of the song. Click here to download.
Here is another song by Jeanne Dickson! This includes a one-page black & white printable of the song and a color flipchart of the song. Click here to download.
Click here to see the preschool lesson & printables for Ruth.

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