Helping Hands Accordions

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
These Helping Hands Accordions were requested. I created these accordions for Dorcas using shirts. These have the same questions and graphics, but have the hands for the main shape.
Helping Hands Accordion for preschool has pictures (no words) to use as a discussion starter. What are different things we can do to obey? To help our parents? To do what God wants? This includes color and black & white. Click here to download.
This is the original Dorcas Accordion for preschool.
Helping Hands Accordion with thought statements. I use these for discussion starters to talk about how we can help others. This includes color and black & white.  Click here to download.
This Dorcas Accordion was created for early elementary. This has the thought question on each shirt. Click here to see the original shirt accordion post and more for Dorcas.

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