
Friday, October 2, 2015

Preschool Alphabet: A is for Adam

These preschool Bible lessons are created and used at home, so there are some basic preschool learning skills printables added to each post. The Bible lesson and Bible printables are suitable for home or Bible class use. This week is A for Adam. We talked about Adam naming the animals.
This week we are looking at the letter A. For our Bible learning, we talked about Adam. We read Genesis 1:1 first. In Genesis 2, we are told that God created everything in 6 days and rested on the seventh day. God put man, Adam, in the Garden of Eden to take care of it. (15) God made all the animals and took them to Adam for him to name them. (verse 19-20) I gathered up an assortment of their animals and I let them tell me the animals names and their sounds. They also played with their farm toys and we named those animals. We also talked about animal habitats and where the different animals live. You can download simple habitat backgrounds here to use with your animals.
We colored, cut and glued something different every day. We worked on one letter for a week. The above is A is for astronaut. I found these cute people at TPT here. They were created for paper bag puppets, but I had them color the parts, cut and glue to blue construction paper so we can add them to an alphabet notebook. They added star stickers to finish the page. We talked about the letter A and what an astronaut does, which I led to discussing the stars and planets. Who made them? God did.
We also did an apple taste test. I used simple toddler items: Red & green apple, applesauce and apple juice. They colored the paper, we tested the items and they checked their answer on the worksheet here. They love this! First, I talked about their senses and we used this free worksheet here. You can find more fun apple things we did here.
They made this Long Legged Apple. They love anything with these accordion legs! Click here to download the template and directions.
We also put together the A is for Antler. We talked about what animals God made that had antlers and what the antlers are for. They were able to touch and feel and pretend they had antlers! You can download the antler worksheet here.
They also made this lower case a is for apple for their alphabet notebooks.
 Click here for the a is for apple template.
There are several ideas and printables for the letter A and apples here. We did an apple taste test, there is an A is for... crown free here & more.
A is also for Acorn. They are trying to hide from me! You can print the acorn template here.
I found a lot of the alphabet letter ideas and projects on Pinterest.
You can see more on my A is for... Alphabet board here.
This doesn't have anything to do with the Bible, just learning to recognize letters in your name. I found a similar game and it was more for boys and cars. (I can't remember where I saw it.) So, I made this version since I have granddaughters. Each castle has a letter to spell out the name. I printed them out, left tabs on one end and connected them. She uses the big education cubes to roll with the letters in her name. We said the letter and she put a princess in front of the correct letter on the castle. Can you tell she likes blue? 


  1. I love everything about this post! How fun to have all the animals to play with in learning about Creation. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)

  2. Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop this week!


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