
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cathy's Corner: David & the Witch of EnDor
This lesson is part 8 and continues the study of David with the Magnetic Board Visuals that I have been permitted to use of Cathy's. This post has the lesson, Magnetic Board Visuals and I have added a set of picture visuals also.
Cathy uses these visuals with a magnetic board. She cuts the pieces out, numbers them on the back (this set has the numbers on the front), laminates them and adds thin magnets on the back. Put your title up first (Witch of EnDor & King Saul for this lesson), then add and take away each visual as you teach the lesson. They can also be used as visuals alone, a flip chart, and/or a bulletin board. The lesson doesn't include the death of King Saul and his sons, but there are visuals in the download for this. There is also a numbered Lesson Outline to make it easier to use this set. These can also be attached to large craft sticks to be held up as you teach the lesson.

Click here to download the Magnetic Board Visuals.
The lesson is found in 1 Samuel 28-31. Samuel has died and the people have been mourning since they buried him.  King Saul made the wizards and witches leave. God had told the Israelites not to seek after these kinds of people.
The Philistines came together and camped at Shunem. So, King Saul gathered the Israelites together and they camped at Gilboa. When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was afraid. Really afraid! When he asked God what he should do, God didn't answer him. Instead of trusting in God, Saul chose to visit a medium at EnDor to ask her for advice.
Saul put on a disguise and visited her with two other men. Saul asked the medium to make the spirit of Samuel appear. When the woman saw Samuel, she cried "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"
Saul said to her "Do not be afraid. What do you see?" The woman replied "I see a spirit coming out of the ground. It is an old man wearing a robe."
Saul saw Samuel and he bowed. Samuel asked "Why have you disturbed me?"
Saul told him that he was distressed. The Philistines are making war against me and God has turned away from me. Samuel asked Saul "Why do you ask me when the Lord has become your enemy? You didn't obey God when He told you to destroy Amalek. He has torn the kingdom from you. Tomorrow, you and your sons will be with me and the Lord will deliver Israel to the Philistines."
Immediately, Saul fell full onto the ground and was very afraid. There wasn't any strength in him because he hadn't eaten all day or all night. The woman and Saul's servants urged him to eat. Saul got up and they ate. They left that night.
Cathy Whitacre is a Christian, wife, mother, Nana, sister, and friend. Cathy and her husband Gerry worship with the New Hope church of Christ, in Bradyville, Tennessee.
Family has been one of her crowning joys in life. Married to Gerry for over 47 years they have had many years of adventure and love. Her children and grandchildren have kept her busy and happy. Everywhere Cathy has lived from Ohio, Illinois, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee and more she has made dear friends who she considers family.
Cathy has had the opportunity to participate in mission work for many years. She has had the privilege of speaking at Ladies Days, teaching Vacation Bible Schools, and conducting workshops in Jamaica, Scotland, New Zealand, and here in the United States.
Cathy has been involved in teaching for over 50 years, from nursery to adults. Cathy feels that Christian Education is one of the greatest mission efforts we can be involved in, and the benefits are eternal.


  1. Thank you for the lesson. I have never heard of a magnetic board. I am a Sunday School teacher and I bet that would be great for my class. I will have to look into making one.

  2. the magnetic board visuals are not here only story visuals. Where can I find the magnetic board visuals?

    1. They are at the end of the paragraph where it states to Click here to download the Magnetic Board Visuals. Here is the link: Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Thank you for sharing these fantastic resources! - Melissa Shaner, Hwy 36 church of Christ, Abilene, TX

  4. As always, I LOVE your lessons. Thank you for sharing!!! Kelly Alsup, Concord Road Church of Christ, TN.


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