
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Write the Room: Moses & the 10 Plagues
Moses and the 10 Plagues Write the Room Printables

Just a short post with this Write-the-Room set of printables. I have seen these a lot on TPT and Pinterest and we used Write the Room for Life of Paul to review. This can be used to discuss or review Moses and the 10 Plagues. You can see the Life of Moses set here and they can be combined for a more in-depth review.
Post the 12 cards around the room and let the students walk around and fill in the blanks on their corresponding numbered worksheet. I just had them write each plague in the correct space. The worksheet is available in color and black & white.
I also included a set of the same visuals as cards. These cards can be used to shuffle, review or put in order. Or they can be used for the student to tell you what the picture is about. It would be fun (especially for homeschooling) to hide these in different places for the kids to find and then put in order.
Click here to download the 10 Plagues set.
Life of Moses & The 10 Plagues can be used together.

1 comment:

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.