The Beatitudes

Thursday, April 2, 2015
I am going to have a post once a week this month for The Beatitudes. This week will begin the series with the lesson, visuals and more! I created two sets of visuals that you can use for younger or older students. These can also be used as a bulletin board. Come back next week for a really nice Interactive Bulletin Board with the printables to make yours (and more).
Our lesson today is found in Matthew 5:1-13. There were so many people that wanted to see Jesus. So, Jesus went up on a mountain Once He sat down, the Disciples went to Jesus. Then Jesus taught them what we know as The Beatitudes. This is the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus began each beatitude with Blessed are... Blessed means happy.
(vs. 3) The first beatitude Jesus talks about is the poor in spirit. This means that Jesus wants us to be humble, not prideful or arrogant. Jesus doesn't want us to be braggers. Part of being humble is to do what Jesus wants, and not what we want. If we follow Jesus, He said we will receive the kingdom of heaven.
(vs. 4) Jesus said Blessed are those who mourn. When you mourn, you are very sad, you might cry, and you are very upset. God want us to be sad about the sin in our life.  He wants us to obey Him! When we follow Jesus, He will comfort us. (reassure, calm or soothe)
(vs. 5) Next, Jesus said Blessed are the meek. If you are meek, you are gentle and submissive. Someone who is meek will think about others before themselves. Jesus talked a lot about helping others. Jesus finished this thought with if you are meek, you will inherit the earth. This means that if we put other people's needs before our own, we will go to heaven.
(vs. 6) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Jesus wants us to really desire to know Him. To know more about Him and to study the Bible and do what God wants, not what we want. If we seek  Him, God will make sure we will be filled with His goodness.
(vs. 7) Jesus said Blessed is the merciful. If you have mercy, you show compassion, kindness and forgiveness. Jesus showed mercy, and He wants us to show mercy to others. If we are merciful, then God will show us mercy.
(vs. 8) Blessed are the pure in heart. Jesus wants us to live for Him, and try to live a Christian life. He wants us to follow His rules. It is sometimes hard to do because it is easy to be caught up in the world and do things our friends are doing that Jesus doesn't like. But if we are pure in heart, we will see God in heaven.
(vs. 9) The next Blessed Jesus talks about are peacemakers. God wants us to 'make peace' with the people around us. As much as we can! This isn't always easy, but God wants us to try and do the best we can. If we make peace, then we will be called sons of God.
(vs. 10) The last two Beatitudes that Jesus talked about go together. They are separated with the Blessed are, so I listed them as different Beatitudes.
The first part is Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. How can you be happy if you are being mistreated? God expects us to stand up for Him. Turn away from things of the world, especially if they keep you from doing what God wants. This might be something like your friends making fun of you for coming to worship. Don't let that stop you from worshipping God.  If you continue to be faithful, no matter what people say or do to you, Jesus said the kingdom of heaven will be ours.
(vs. 11-12) Jesus finishes up the beatitudes with “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. This continues His thoughts on staying faithful to Him, even if people are making fun of you (revile) for following Jesus. Jesus told us to celebrate and be happy that that people are 'reviling and persecuting' you because people did that to the prophets in the Old Testament that lived before Jesus. If people are making fun of you, then they can see that you are really living for Jesus and He said our reward will be great in heaven.

Jesus told the people The Beatitudes. Jesus didn't say to pick which ones you think you can do. Jesus wants us to follow all The Beatitudes.
Here is an extra poster that can be used with this lesson. My preacher mentioned this summary right when I was working on these posts! So, I decided to make an extra poster for this lesson. It can be printed in color or black & white. Click here to print the Righteousness poster.
For today's printable, I created these Beatitudes Match-Up Cards. These are only available in black & white, so to add color, they can printed onto colored paper. After printing, cut them out, and cut on the dotted lines. Mix them up and let the students put the correct verses together. Click here to print.
These are the visuals you see with the lesson. You can print these, or the set below. The visuals are only available in color. Click here to print the set.
The above visuals for The Beatitudes were created for older students. The different sets of visuals are are really what you prefer for graphics. Either set can also be used for bulletin boards. Just print, add a title and scripture! Click here to print these visuals.
The Bible Verse printables for this lesson has The Beatitudes scripture on it, and not the usual one verse. The smaller set for the students and a full size for the teacher in the download. Click here to print them.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
Today's lesson is here.
Yah! This post was featured at Chestnut Grove Academy for Share It Saturday!


  1. This is great! Thank you for sharing. You have so many wonderful ideas here!

  2. I just love all the work and love you put into each one of your lessons. Beautiful graphics. Blessed you linked up at The Weekend Brew.

  3. Hi, visiting from Titus 2 Tuesday! Love this idea, thanks for sharing :)

  4. I love this ideas. They are so beautiful. I'll have to print them for the kids in my Sunday school class. Thank you for sharing such beautiful inspirations.
    Blessings to you Ma.

  5. Thank you so much for the work that you put into these lessons. I love using them in my bible classes. Is the link above for the lesson visuals for older students working? I cannot seem to get it to open.

    1. Thank you for letting me know! It is corrected. I appreciate it!

  6. Thanks for Sharing at Share it Saturday, I am featuring you this week and have pinned your post!

    1. Thanks so much Jen! I appreciate the feature and will link back!

  7. Another great lesson, you do such wonderful work,thanks for linking up at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  8. Great clear lessons for kids. It is so important to get the word of God into our children in a way they can understand. These lessons are one of the best I've read on this subject. Blessings.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! And, thanks so much for pinning! I appreciate it!

  10. This is great! I'm going to share this with my children's pastor. We love teaching our little ones the Beatitudes.

  11. This is so cute! I don't have any children yet, but I learned some things going through this myself. What a blessing you are to parents who wish to teach their children about Jesus! :)

  12. Thank you so very much for these resources! I teach religion everyday in a Catholic School with my first graders....and these are perfect! I love the large posters with the beatitude on each. Lovely work....THANK YOU!
    Ashley R.
    Knoxville, TN

  13. Is there a file to be able to print the lesson portion on these? You have done such a beautiful job and are a true blessing.

    1. Yes, there is a clickable link above. Look for the yellow notepad that says Click here to print. Or, click here Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Thank you for sharing your beautifully prepared resources!

  15. Thank you so much for this helpful lesson i printed them in black and white and colored them and added stickers my kids will love this lesson teaching this today at church you have been such a blessing to me.Have a great day.

  16. love your site! do you have a way to print the cute little beatitude kids? i'm not seeing them in any of the printing. I can do it one at a time, just didn't know if it was available to download all. Thanks

    1. Thanks. You can download them @
      The righteousness posters are @

    2. Thank you so very much.
      Have a happy day!

  17. goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

  18. Thank you - the match up cards was a great idea and I used this for my class

  19. Amazing! Beautifully written! Thank you!


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