Aquila and Priscilla is a great lesson to talk about Paul having a skill and more of the people that he worked with... physically to make money and Spiritually to spread the Word of God. Paul mentions them several times and always has good things to say about them. The project is a map with the locations that Aquila and Priscilla are known to be. We also know where Paul was at the same time, so there his locations are also discussed and marked.
Last week Paul was walking the
streets of Athens and he saw that there were idols. Paul was upset about this
and he talked to people in the synagogue and in the marketplace. One day, the
people took him to Mars Hill and the men asked Paul "What are you talking
about?" Paul told them about the idol that said TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. That
is the God that created everything and His Son came and died and rose from the
dead. Some people made fun of him, but others wanted to know more about Jesus.
Remember, there is ONE GOD. And He wants us to teach everyone about Jesus, but
not everyone will believe.
Our lesson is found in Acts 18:1-26. Paul left Athens by himself and
went 50 miles to Corinth. As Paul walked the streets of Corinth, he saw how
much sin there was here, too. The Corinthians loved money, drinking, gambling
and all kinds of sin. Paul was really upset by what he saw. He found a Jew
there named Aquila. Aquila had just come from Italy with his wife Priscilla.
The ruler had commanded that the Jews all leave Rome.
Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers like Paul.
Paul stayed with them and worked with them, making tents and spreading the
Paul went to the synagogue every
week and taught people about Jesus. Some believed and were baptized. Silas and
Timothy came to be with Paul. When Paul taught the Jews about Jesus, they
didn’t believe what he said and became at Paul. Paul told them that "I
have taught you the truth about Jesus, if you don’t believe, it’s your responsibility."
Paul went to a man's house called
Justus. He was a Christian and his house was next door to the synagogue.
Crispus probably heard Paul preaching and he was the ruler of the synagogue.
believed what Paul taught about Jesus and his whole household were baptized. There were many people from
Corinth that believed and were baptized.
The Lord came to Paul one night
(in a vision) and told him “Do not be afraid. Keep preaching and do not be
silent. I am with you, and no one will attack you. I have many people in this
city.” Jesus told Paul that he would not be physically attacked while he was in
the city of Corinth.
Paul stayed in Corinth for a year
and a half preaching.
Paul sailed with Aquila and
Priscilla to Syria, which is a country. They sailed 250 miles and landed at
Ephesus. He left Aquila and Priscilla and went to the synagogue. The people
begged Paul to stay, and Paul said no, but "I will return, if the Lord
wills." Paul left and sailed to Caesarea, and Aquila and Priscilla stayed
there to teach.
While Aquila and Priscilla were
there, they met a man named Apollos. Luke tells us that he was very educated and had
studied the Old Testament scriptures. He was excited to teach people about
Jesus, but he only knew about John. John is the cousin of Jesus and he baptized
Jesus. John taught about Jesus coming to save people from their sins.
When Aquila and Priscilla heard
Apollos preaching, they wanted to teach him that Jesus had already come and
died on the cross. Apollos wasn't teaching the whole truth. So, Aquila and
Priscilla took Apollos aside and "explained to him the way of God more
accurately". (Acts 18:26)
The project is a map with the locations that
Aquila and Priscilla are known to be. We also know where Paul was at the same
time, so there his locations are also discussed and marked. There are
directions, a finished teacher's visual and the discussion for the teacher. Click here to download it.
I also added this worksheet that I used for this lesson.
The occupations do not cover every job people had during the times of the New Testament but is more of a review of people and jobs studied during Jesus and Paul.
This has been updated and includes Anchor Charts with the answers
which can also be used for bulletin boards, etc.
To add to our IFA: Investigating Facts in Acts theme bags, I wanted something really different for the kids IFA
bags, so this week I made these maps. Every investigator needs a map! This was
my husband's bright idea, since I was going to walk around Hobby Lobby and see
if I could find something to use. You could use paper towel cardboard tubes, toilet
paper tubes, or wrapping paper cardboard tubes. But, I wanted something that
wouldn't bend, was affordable, and is lightweight for their bags. Something
they could decorate and add/remove the maps to look at.
After discussing this with my husband, and wandering around
Lowe's, this is what we decided on. I looked for the lightest & thinnest pipe.
We purchased this 1 1/4" PVC plastic pipe and asked a worker to cut it in half for us
so it would fit in the car.

Our awesome secretary printed both sides of the map onto one long paper for me, so the map is 6" x 15 1/4". If you print and piece the map together, you will have a different size of about 8" x 20".
Since my
maps are 6" tall once they are
rolled up, my husband cut the pipes into 5" long sections. He drilled a
1/4" hole through both sides on one end. (see photo) The students will put
ribbon or string (16") through to use a carrier and it will stop the map from sliding
through. The kids will use the investigation tapes (or color/pattern Duct tape) and stickers to decorate it.
Bible Verse: Acts 18:3
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982
by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
All visuals for Acts 18 are included and all are not shown.
(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
Great lesson! I will definitely share this with my kids! God bless!
ReplyDeleteThank you Letetia! Glad you stopped by!
DeleteJust found you!! Thank you for what you are doing. Love it and I'm your newest follower. Can't wait to put this to use!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I appreciate your comments!
DeleteWhat a blessing you are to us all with all your wisdom and work with these lessons. My children are really going to enjoy them. Thanks for linking these up with us at Good Morning Mondays. It is always so great to see what you are doing. Blessings
ReplyDeleteThank you Terri! Glad you stopped by!
DeleteWhat a great idea to have the kids work on a map to know the locations! Thanks for sharing this great lesson with #SocialButterflySunday! Look forward to seeing you link up again this week :)
ReplyDeleteI am unable to download the project for this lesson?? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I am not sure why it wasn't working, but I updated the link. here it is: Thanks for letting me know!
DeleteIs the worksheet available? I am not able to open it. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry! I just found this in my email. You can download it @