Teen Tuesday: Let Your Light Shine

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Welcome to the second week of this 13 week series of lesson ideas created for teens! These are written by Danielle Ringold. She is teaching the teen girls on Wednesday evenings. This week she had a couple of experiments that were fun and educational.
When I think about challenges from my teen years, I definitely look back and reflect on how hard it was to let my light shine. At school I was surrounded by a lot of non believers or people who were believers, but were also too scared to let their light shine. As a teenager, it was just too hard to be different. More times than not I chose the easy way. With all this in mind, I knew I had to teach a lesson on letting your light shine.

We spent a lot of time in this lesson discussing why we, as Christians, are compared to light and what that really means.
As you prepare any lesson for teenagers think about what props you could incorporate and specific questions you could use to guide class discussion. Teenagers love to talk, so give them opportunities to!
After we discussed Christians as light, we read about what the Bible says about this.
To end the lesson, we did a group activity that we used to guide some additional discussions. This activity also made the lesson applicable to their lives and gave them something to think about.

Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.


  1. Agree! It is so hard for teenagers for realize being different is ok! Love how this really brings a deeper understanding for them and a chance for them to open up and share :)

  2. Thanks for sharing again, Debbie. I don't always tell you but I usually share your posts on Pinterest.

    Merry Christmas!!

    1. Thank you Judith! I appreciate you stopping by and thank you for pinning! ☺

  3. Thanks Debbie for sharing with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings


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