This week's parable is the Good Samaritan. There is a foldable for the review project. The kids will love it! It is fun and easy, but you can discuss so many different neighbor things and make it work for several Bible lessons.

For today's visual, I set up an area with a cave, grass, rocks, path, etc. I added the animal and Good Samaritan. I added brown paint for dirt and red paint for blood for my traveling man.
We are learning about Jesus and His ministry. The last couple of
weeks we have talked about parables. A parable is an earthly story with a
heavenly meaning that Jesus taught. The lesson is found in Luke 10:25-37.
A lawyer came to Jesus with a question. He wanted to test Jesus
and asked Him “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25)
Jesus asked him what is written in the law? How do you read it?
The lawyer answered with: {Luke 10:27} “You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your
strength, and with all your mind,’ and your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus told the lawyer he was right. And the lawyer wanted to know
who is our neighbor? Jesus answers with another parable, the parable of the
good Samaritan. (Luke 10:30.) A man went from Jerusalem to Jericho. It was a
dangerous road and thieves loved it because there were a lot of hiding places,
like caves, for them. The road was full of curves. The area was called Adummim
(a-dum'-im) or the pass of blood. It was scary. It was treacherous. The people could understand what Jesus was telling them.
Some robbers attacked the traveling man. They took his clothes,
hurt him and left. He was barely alive!
A priest walked by. During the time of Jesus, a priest took care
of the temple sacrifices. You’d think a priest would stop to help, but when he
saw the man lying there, the priest went to the other side of the road and
passed by him.
Next, a Levite came by. A Levite’s job was to help take care of
the temple. When the Levite looked at the injured man, he passed by on the
other side too. [there were 12,000 priests back then]
But then, a Samaritan man was walking by, and he saw the injured
man. Jesus is telling this parable to a Jewish lawyer, and Jews and Samaritans
did not like each other…at all. So, to expect the Samaritan to help the man
would be extra hard, but the Samaritan had compassion for the hurt man. The
Samaritan treated his wounds. He used wine to disinfect the cuts and oil to
help ease the pain.
The Samaritan put the injured man on his own animal, possibly a
donkey (Jesus isn't specific in His parable) and took him to an inn. The Samaritan took care of him there.
next day when the Samaritan was leaving, he took two denarii (de-nar'-ee) (The Roman coins they
used) and gave them to the innkeeper. The Samaritan
man told the innkeeper to take care of the man and said: "When I come
again, I will repay you the rest."
Jesus asked the lawyer who he thought was the neighbor, and the
lawyer said the one who showed mercy. Remember, the lawyer didn’t like
Samaritans and couldn’t even say the word, Samaritan! But Jesus told him
to “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37
to Jesus we are love our neighbors, but strangers also. Jesus also wants us to
be nice and help others when we can. Since the man in the parable was a
Samaritan, and he was a good man because he helped the hurt traveler, we call
this parable the 'Good Samaritan parable'.
This is an
updated worksheet from an older cut and glue worksheet. I wanted something to
add kids’ stickers to and less ink to print. You can purchase any children (or
any people) stickers to use. I used these. Or, you can have the students write
assorted ideas about treating others like God expects us to as you discuss “Who
is our neighbor?” on the open edges of the paper. Or, add heart stickers with
things like love others, love God, obey parents, etc.
created this foldable for today's less as a conversation starter. I say
that a lot, don't I? But I like a fun, quick, easy way to review and
let the kids think about how to apply the Bible lesson to their life.
needs cut out (on the solid lines, and folded (on the dotted lines). Directions: Cut around the outside on the solid line. Follow the solid line cutting on the left side of the 'consideration' section. Follow the solid line cutting the inside of the shape out. Where it says 'consideration' (under that it says page 1), fold that backward on the dotted line. You or the students will glue 'How can we help our neighbor' title to the back side of the 'consideration' page to create the front cover. Continue folding accordion style on the dotted lines as seen in the bottom right photo until all parts are folded. On the back of the last page, you or the student will glue the 'Sharing is Caring' circle.
They love
fun stuff like this! It will fold up and fit in their hands, but when it is
spread out, it is a heart! There is a picture and the next section has lines
for what they can do to be a neighbor. This can be used for a lot of lessons!
It is also available in color or black & white! Click here to print it
Bible Verse: Luke 10:27
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982
by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
These visuals have been updated. The set has the 'cloud' removed and other corrections have been made. Not all visuals are shown that are included in the download.
This is really very helpful and thought provoking for kids! How do you share the same message with younger non-readers?
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Angel. To teach Bible facts to any age group, have your Bible open and read at least parts of the lesson directly from the Bible. I use visuals, to help younger kids pay attention better as I tell them the lesson. I usually have some sort of display that I can refer to and they can look at and touch. For younger kids, lots of singing and review.
DeleteThis brings be back to my days serving in Children's ministry. I was the "director" and had some wonderful teachers who shared God's word with the kids. Thank you for your heart for the children and your obvious dedication to getting the word out. I always love seeing you linked up to Sharing His Beauty...and teaching the kids is truly sharing His beauty!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joan
Thanks so much Joan! I appreciate the comment!
DeleteWhat an awesome resource, Debbie! I love creative crafty things for kiddos. So grateful to "meet" you today via #EverydayJesus. You are doing great work here, friend. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sharita! I appreciate you stopping by!
DeleteThanks for always sharing your great resources, Debbie! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteSo fun! Such amazing resources here for parents, teachers, and kids!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I appreciate the comment!
DeleteThis is so nice! Thank you for providing this printable. I intend to be back to see your other lesson ideas!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kimberly! I am glad you stopped by!
DeleteI love your entire lesson! The printable/visual is so important to reinforce what is being taught. Thank you for sharing it with us!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Bekki! I appreciate the comment and I love using a take home printable as a reinforcement, and what it means to today, and not a time filler! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteI love that foldable! But it is not opening the document, it only opens to the picture to view the pictures from the website. Help? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHello, Brooke, below the picture is the description and at the end of the paragraph it says to 'Click here to print'. It usually blue and you click that which has the link. I don't have the pictures themselves clickable because of Pinterest issues. I appreciate you stopping by!
DeleteI cant figure out the folding pattern. Wish there were steps for slow teachers like me.
ReplyDeleteDonna, I have added more detailed instructions above. Click on the picture with directions to see it bigger.
DeleteThank you for sharing your talents!
ReplyDeleteThanks This Helped My School Work
ReplyDeleteHi Debbie Jackson
ReplyDeleteI love your idea of heart cut out. I was thinking of using it in our Sunday literacy, would it be ok if I shear your idea with all the kids. Can I pass them a copy of your heart? Thank you
Hello, yes, you can print and share/use anything on this website with your class, VBS, mission work, homeschool, etc.
DeleteI found some visuals on pinterest that said to come to this website and ask for them from you. I am not finding the same ones. Do you still have the magnetic visuals for the Good Samaritan?
ReplyDeleteThey are @