Teen Tuesday: Teen Girls Day & Time

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
This is the final post for the Teen Girls Day that we at our church building. As always, the Teen Tuesday is written by Danielle Ringold.
We appreciate your interest in the teen lessons.

Do you give enough time to God? I know this is something I have always struggled with and when I was a teenager, I did not attempt to make a priority. How can you find time in your busy life for God? You have school, homework, family responsibilities, and extra curricula's. No one ever said balancing your life would be easy, but it is clear that we need to make God a priority. The final lesson I created for Teen Girls Days was Giving Time to God.
This final lesson involves the teenagers doing a lot of reflection. How much time are they giving to God now? How much time to other things?
Based on where most of your time is spent, what does it appear is your priority? The teens continue to reflect on what God says about time and the lesson plan provides specific questions to discuss over various Bible verses this topic covers.
By the end of the lesson the teens should be able to identify how God wants them to spend their times and a new plan of how to accomplish this.
Going forward I would ask teens to remember this famous saying by Theophrastus, “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”
How are your teens spending this valuable resource?
Thank you so much for sharing in the 5th and final post about Teen Girls Day! Check back soon for another Teen Tuesday post.
 You can see the introduction to the whole Teen Girls Day in Part 1. Click here to view that post.
Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.

Yah! Thanks to Jessica for featuring this post!
Click on the button to see it at My Teacher's Name is Mama.


  1. Excellent! Practical! Thanks for sharing in Theology Thursdays FOR KIDS!!!!

    1. Thank you Jessica! I appreciate you hosting! and thank you for featuring the post this week! I really appreciate it!


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