Teen Tuesday: Teen Girls Day & Inner Beauty

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Today's Teen post is part 2 of last week's Girls Day we had at our church building. You can see part 1 by clicking here.  These posts are written by Danielle Ringold. 
One of the greatest issues our Christian teen girls are facing today is a battle against what magazines and social medias identify as beauty. Everywhere our teen girls look that are bombarded with people that focus on what is outward as if that gives a woman her value. When I decided to do a Teen Girls Day at my church, I knew this had to be one of the topics.
At Teen Girls Day every single girl sat in on a lesson about inner beauty. This was not your standard inner beauty lesson though. We dove deep into what the scriptures identify as beautiful traits of a Christian woman in a student led way.
We also took the girl’s thinking to a new level by looking specifically at woman who are popular in current media. What makes these women beautiful?
The lesson also included a video for the girls to watch to extend their thinking and a time for reflection.
Is your teenager or a teenager you know struggling to understand the value of inner beauty? Here is something you can do. Sit down with them and help them brainstorm all of the character traits they have that make them a good person. Go through each trait and discuss why it is important and how it helps them to be a better Christian. Your teenager will be thankful that you did.
Thank you for your interest! Click here to download the Inner Beauty lesson.  
Hello! My name is Danielle Ringold. You may recognize the children in the picture because my mom is Debbie Jackson, the owner of the Bible Fun for Kids website.


  1. What a wonderful lesson to share with teen girls in your church. Inner beauty is so much more important than what they see in the mirror but unfortunately as you said, social media, etc, says otherwise to them. All teen girls should be blessed with a class like yours!

  2. LOVE THIS! I have a heart for teens!! Before I became a mama, my husband and I served as youth group leaders at our church. I taught a Wednesday night girls bible study and this type of lesson/theme would have been GREAT! May God bless you as you seek to serve the young gals in your church as you teach and show them Christ! Thank you for linking up! Please continue to bless us with more!!!

    1. Thanks so much for the really nice comment Jessica! It is appreciated. Glad you stopped by!

  3. I have purchased most if not all of your lessons. I was wondering how I could purchase this lesson? I noticed you stated that you will have it posted till a certain day and it is not on tpt.

    1. Gina, so sorry to take so long replying, can you send me an email with Inner Beauty in the subject line? My daughter has temporarily removed this to update it. But, I have a question for you and would really appreciate it if you would email me @ DebbieDaveJackson81@yahoo.com Thanks!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.