Jesus Picks His Disciples

Monday, July 21, 2014
This Disciples of Jesus post has several printable choices. There is an interactive bulletin board that can be used with the Lapbook, File Folder Game, or two-sided worksheet. The posters for the bulletin board can also be used for visuals for the lesson. Some of the downloads also include the Apostles.
The Disciples are the helpers that Jesus picked. Disciple means follower. (Apostle means one who is sent.) Jesus picked 12 men to follow Him. If we follow the list that Luke has in Luke 6:12-15, they are in this order:

(Mathew 4:18) Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and He saw two brothers fishing. (1) Simon Peter and (2) Andrew was throwing a net into the sea. Jesus told them "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Immediately, they left their nets, and they followed Jesus! Jesus named Peter a 'Rock'. (John 1:42)

(Matthew 4:21) Then, Jesus saw two more brothers named (3) James and (4) John. They were in the boat with their Zebedee their father mending fishing nets. But, when Jesus called to them, they left the boat and their father immediately to follow Jesus. Later, when Jesus was on the cross, He told Mary (His Mother) "Here is your son" and to John He said, "Here is your mother". John took Mary home with him. Jesus knew that John would take care of Mary. (John 19:26-27

John 1:43-51 Jesus went to Galilee, and He found (5) Philip and told him to “Follow me.” Philip was from Bethsaida. Philip found (6) Bartholomew who was also called Nathanael. Bartholomew asked Philip if anything good could come out of Nazareth and Philip told him to come and see Jesus! Bartholomew was from Cana of Galilee. (John 21:2)

They went to Jesus and Jesus greeted them and told Bartholomew “Before Philip called you, I saw you sitting under the fig tree". Bartholomew was amazed and Jesus told him that he would see greater things. Because Jesus had known that Bartholomew was sitting under a fig tree, he knew that Jesus was special!
(Mathew 9:9) Jesus was walking and He saw a man named (7) Matthew sitting in a tax office. Jesus told Matthew to "Follow Me", and Matthew stood up and followed Jesus!

Matthew was a tax collector. He collected taxes outside the city of Capernaum. People who came by him had to pay taxes for average items they traded. The fishermen also paid taxes on their catches. People didn’t like the tax collectors because the overcharged to make extra money for themselves. It was usually a 5% fee, but some things were charged up to 12%. People thought the tax collector's money was so unclean, they didn’t ask for their change!

(8) Thomas is known as Doubting Thomas because he didn’t believe that Jesus, after He died was raised from the dead. (John 20:25) Thomas was also called 'The Twin'. (John 20:24)

(9) James, son of Alphaeus. James is also called James the Less. Then, (10) Simon the Zealot. And (11) Thaddeus. Thaddeus was also called Jude. There isn’t much told to us about them.

Last, we have (12) Judas Iscariot. He is the one that betrayed Jesus. Judas was the treasurer for the Disciples. (John 12:6) He betrays Jesus for money. Matthias took the place of Judas as the twelfth Disciple after Judas betrayed Jesus and died. (Acts 1:23-26)
Sorry, most are not shown.
This is a basic Fill-in-the-Blank double-sided worksheet that can be used on its own, or with the bulletin board below. I added a line below each Disciple as a divider and can also be used to write more information. Click here to print it.
The students used the Disciples file Folder Game you see below. I printed and put together one for each child, and as I was teaching the lesson, I added the 'About Me' cards to the bulletin board with each Disciple. They found their cards and laid the correct 'About Me' cards on each Disciple, then took the file folder games home. Even though I posted this set some time ago, this was what I planned to use with this class. This bulletin board is designed to be used with the above Fill-in-the -Blank worksheet, the file folder game and/or the lapbook you see below.
 The Anchor Charts have been updated, corrected, etc.
Paul has been added as an apostle.
I stored the 'About Me' cards in library pockets I purchased at my local teacher's supply store. Click here to print the labels that I used.
The lapbook has been updated. The pictures have been cleaned up and corrected and the basic look has been updated.  The students will lift the flap and write the facts about each person. 
Click here to download the updated lapbook.
 This Disciples file folder game has been updated. The pictures have been corrected and cleaned up. I added a teacher's answer sheet and directions.
Click here to download. 
I also had these visuals set up on a table to reinforce the facts about each Disciple. I started with the Galilee Boat and set it on fleece to look like water and added the fish for the fishermen. I added the scales for Matthew, the tree for Bartholomew, and the money bag for Judas Iscariot. You can print the name tags here.

If you do not want to purchase the Galilee Boat with the Disciples, bit would like to have a display, you could print these Disciples that Nina Smith gave me permission to share with you. Click here for the download and directions. Thanks again for sharing them, Nina!

Bible Verse: Mark 1:17 

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.

Click here to see a very good article about the Disciples.

Yah! This post was featured on Hip Homeschool Moms!
Click here to see it!:
You can find this post here at Free Home School Deals!


  1. What a generous freebie you are sharing! And I love the beautiful images you've included throughout the post for the disciples. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing at this week's Thoughtful Spot!

  2. You are such a blessing to Christian moms! Thanks for being there on the Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I am so excited to try this out.everything you need is right here.

    1. Thank you for the comment! I am glad you found something to use! Thanks for visiting!

  4. OH my goodness, how talented you are! THANK YOU for sharing with us who are much less creative! I am unable to print the double sided Fill In The Blank worksheets; the link takes to me a page for creating my own blog....???? I would LOVE to have this worksheet for my Sunday night children's program; I begin teaching next month Grades 1-6 and LOVE this study!

    Thank you again!


    1. Thanks Sharon for letting me know! The link is corrected. I am glad you found something to use! I appreciate your comment!

  5. Hi, I'm stopping over from TGIF Linky. You have provided a lot of great information about the disciples of Jesus. Also, thank you for the great free resources! I am bookmarking this page for use with my kiddos! Have a great day and a great weekend!

  6. This is a great book to read to kids or even for kids to read (maybe with a little help for the younger ones). I'm stopping by from A Look at the Book. Great Job!

  7. Love your lapbook Debbie! I pinned it =)

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =)

    1. Thanks so much Beth for stopping by! I appreciate the comment and really appreciate you pinning the post! ☺

  8. Debbie,
    Do you have any printables for "The Great Catch of Fish?"

    1. Leah, that is the newest one, and there is a cut & glue worksheet here, but it is more about Jesus and not the great catch:

  9. This is a wonderful resource! My students will love being interactive while also learning more about their faith! Thank you!

  10. Using this with my first graders tomorrow! Thank you SO much! :)

  11. These are such a blessing! Thank you for sharing your wonderful materials!



    1. Yes, absolutely! You can download and print anything on this website for Bible class, VBS, homeschool, etc. ☺

  13. Thank you for sharing such nice work. Looking forward to using tmit this weekend. You have saved me lots of research time. Thank you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.