About Me

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The short version:
Thanks for stopping by! I have been teaching Bible class for over 30 years! I have taught preschool-high school. Currently I am teaching 2nd grade. I married my high school sweetie, and we have two adult children and a dog. My husband was a Deacon at our previous congregation for about 25 years and he is a Deacon at our current Church of Christ. I get to stay at home and take care of my grandchildren. (Yah!)

The long version:
I started this website after a lot of thought and prayer. Seriously, a lot! A friend had started a blog and I asked her about it. She told me "It's so easy!" 

We came from a small church that I taught at for about 25 years. I know how hard it to afford material, and it seems like you don't use a lot of it. I have made my own lessons most of that time because of money and I usually taught a wide range of ages in each class.

I love using a take home printable as an application reinforcement, and how the Bible lesson pertains to them today, and not a time filler. The application worksheet is usually a conversation starter and works with the lesson. I don't usually have extra time in class, but I use these flash cards and the students actually get excited when we have time to use them! Click here to see these.  Leave a comment if you'd like a specific question added to the flash cards.
In case you are wondering why...

I also don't always have a main point or application posted on the lesson posts. Why? I always have an application for each lesson, that is part of why we teach the Bible! Because I feel (and I hate saying that about the Bible... I feel or I think) that after the teacher studies the scripture and doesn't just rely on the material you are using; you will find the application that you need to discuss for your particular students. I can teach the same lesson to one class, and the next year key in on a totally different point. For instance, The Parable of the Prodigal Son. I usually key in on not being wasteful, taking care of what God gives you, using your money wisely, etc., along with God wants you to go to heaven. The class this year brought up picking the right friends, so that is what we talked about. For older kids, I that is a good point also, but it is important to talk about the fact that you can be lost, and God the Father is so happy when we repent and do what He wants.

You can usually figure out what I am using as the main point with the take home project or application worksheet.
Yes, I make mistakes! I have found several. That is why God tells us to study. Study. Study. 2 Timothy 2:15 If you find a Biblical mistake, please contact me with what needs corrected and the scripture with the proof directly on the post that needs corrected. Thank you.

My favorite Bible verse(s):

I really like Psalm 46:10 because we live in such a busy time, it is hard to just stop and enjoy what God has made.

Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

And Genesis 1:1 because it just says it all and is one that I like the kids to memorize since they will have schools teaching against it.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. 
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission

Another question is about the visuals. Here is the long answer: If you are wanting to use the Sweet visuals like these @ https://www.unfoldingword.org/sweet-publishing, then yes, they can be used. They have a CC license you can see with that information at that link also. Most of those are updated on this site and can be used since I didn't secure the PDF's. You can find more free visuals @ https://freebibleimages.org/. Sorry, but any of the others that are clipart are copyrighted and can't be used free but would have to be purchased at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/.
Something else I thought I should add, because I have been asked, is I cannot do Teacher's Workshops. I cannot be in front of groups without feeling like I am having a panic attack. Just thinking about it to write this is making my head fuzzy! Those of you that do workshops, you are awesome! My daughter told me "Mom, aren't you old enough to get over that?" My reply was "No, I am old enough to know what I can do!"

Sorry, but if you have a question or something needs corrected, please leave a comment on the specific post. I can fix it or answer a lot faster. If it is something you want kept private, leave a comment and state something like private, etc. with your email for me to contact you and I won't make it public.  With the issues of people trying to attack computers and sending viruses, I delete any emails from people I don't know. Thanks again for stopping by!
Click here to see the blog posts where I have been featured.
Links to most of the Graphics I use


  1. Debbie, I am a youth minister and our Sunday School director and I are developing notebooks with lessons for our Sunday School teachers. We are adding crafts, activities, games, etc. to supplement the Bible lesson. Do you mind if we use content from your site for this purpose?

    1. Hello, Meredith, I would love if you could use whatever you find here! That is exactly what this blog is for! Glad you found something to use! Thanks for asking! ☺

    2. Debbie, Thank you! This site is great and I really appreciate all the hard work and time you have put into it! Thank you for your willingness to share it!

    3. Hi Debbie,
      My name is Sara Marks, and I volunteer for Community Bible Study Agape Writing team based out of Colorado. We create lessons for Adults with special needs. I am on the Teaching Helps team whereby we create possible lesson ideas for their teaching time. I would like to share your Joshua packet for our teachers all over the country. I would cite your page in the credit section. Would you be agreeable to this?
      Thank you for your consideration.
      Sara Marks

  2. Debbie,
    I love the new look. congratulations on all your success, it's because you are glorifying the Lord and teaching His word!

    1. Renee, thanks for the comment! It means a lot! I looked for a button to add above, since I only had an old one. Let me know if you have a new one so I can add it.

  3. Debbie, hi!
    This is my first visit to your lovely site. We are having a special all-age service for Mother's Day here in the UK this Sunday and I would very much like to use your storyboard for Ruth. Thank you for sharing your resources and expertise. May God bless all you have done. Pastor Brian

    1. Thanks so much for visiting! I would love for you to use the Ruth printables! Let me know if you are having trouble downloading them at DebbieDaveJackson81@yahoo.com and I can send the PDF direct.

  4. Hi Debbie love your website so much!! Has been very helpful for my Awana sparkys. God continues to bless you!! Amazing Work!!! one question do you have a curriculum that you follow for each sunday. I'm a baby at this and would like to follow one. Thanks Mabel

    1. Hello, Mabel, thanks so much for the really nice comment! No, I teach the same class on Sunday mornings for a year (except for the class I have now, which I have for 2 years), and I usually teach New Testament. I make a list of the lessons I want to teach for the year and get it approved by the Deacon in charge of material. If you can give me some time, I will add lists of the lesson plans in this post for you this weekend.

  5. Awesome I would really appreciated, Thank you so much!!!---Mabel

    1. Thanks for checking, I have added the lists above and left them on Word so you can add/subtract, change and copy easier! Anyway, thanks again for stopping by! ☺

    2. Oh my...thanks so much but where exactly do I look for the list so sorry cant see it...Mable

    3. Look in the post above, above the books that are listed if you'd like to read the comments I wrote, here is Life of Jesus and the Book of Acts that will start in June: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpajRJbDZtRlNIck0/edit?usp=sharing
      Here is the Old Testament list: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpRnR2dUNzdWtPUnc/edit?usp=sharing

  6. Hi Deb, is there any way to contact you privately? I LOVE your stuff! Peggy peggyhall6482@gmail.com

  7. Hi Debbie! I'm the editor of AllFreeKidsCrafts.com, and I love what I've seen on your blog! I've been looking to add more Sunday School crafts on my site, and I'd love the chance to link to your posts. When I link to bloggers, I write a description of the craft/activity, use one photo, and then include a link back to your blog for the full tutorial. Let me know if you're interested in being featured on my site!

    1. Hello, Emily, thanks so much for the comment! Yes, absolutely, I'd appreciate the features! And, when I know about them, I will add your link & a thank you to send any traffic your way that I can. Thank you!

  8. Debbie, I love your site and your pins on Pinterest!!! I feel like I already know you, because we pin so many of the same things!!! I too, am a member of the Church of Christ (Main Street) Pikeville, Ky!! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!! If you are ever in our area, I would love to meet you!!!

    1. Pam, I am glad to meet you! I love KY, it is a beautiful state! If you are ever near Memphis, It would be fun to meet you! Thanks for the comment!

  9. Debbie Jackson, I'm looking at your Moses book art work and am wondering if you would let me, us (Trinity UMC in Opelika, AL) use it for a vbs craft.

    1. Hi, Jamie, I am not sure which project you are looking at, but you can use anything on this blog for VBS. I am glad you found something you can use! Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I'm learning to use the lap books. This is all new to me as we taught with flip charts etc when I was younger. I am doing The life of Paul lap book and can't get number #9 Lystra https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B3uNEVAAKowpckxZdWRsS1dLNUk to print for me. Also what size of vanilla folders do you use. Standard or the larger ones. Do you have one for each child to make? thank you . Crystal Hayward

    1. Crystal, I use the standard size file folders, and I make them for each child. But, if you have younger children that can't write, you could use one as a visual. I am not seeing any issues with #9 from here, so can you try it again, and if you still can't open it, send me an email and I will send the PDF to you. DebbieDaveJackson81@yahoo.com

  11. Hi, Debbie!
    My son will be turning one in April (I know, I'm looking around really, really early!) I've been looking through your preschool posts and wondering what could be started around age one. Most of them seem appropriate for age 2-4, but I don't want to underestimate what he can learn about God. Any advice?

    1. Hi, Laura, they LOVE the songs! I have a range of preschool kids, and we will sit on the floor and sing. Any age group. They love the pictures on the crafts sticks, and I make one for me and one for each of them, It keeps their hands busy and they love to wave them around. During the day, if you start sing the Disciples, Books of the Bible, Jesus Loves Me, etc, they will sing with you when they can talk. Just like the alphabet, repetition. My granddaughter is 1, and she loves it. Also, just FYI, I start teaching body parts at about 1. Nose, mouth, ears, hair, hands, feet, etc. They will start pointing to them. And, God made them. Also, outside, God made the grass, etc. And soon you can start colors. I love this age!

    2. Oh, and thanks so much for stopping by! ☺ It is not too early to start working with him. They love learning, and it might not seem like it since he can't talk to you! Plus, you both enjoy the time you get to spend together!

    3. Laura, you are welcome! I forgot, it's a great age to say 'Let's pray' (or whatever) and hold their hands together and teach them to pray. It won't take long for you to say "Let's pray', and they will fold their hands themselves. Thanks for the question, I added it to the Facebook page without your name. I appreciate it!

  12. Debbie, just found your site and am in love! God bless you for all your hard work. I just downloaded the creation project, could you tell me what tune you sing the creation song to? Again thank you, you are blessing many with your work.

    1. Hello, thank you for the comment! I just found the song and you can listen to it here. I really didn't know how to explain the tune, and your REALLY don't want me to sing it! http://www.apcurriculum.com/dcirfol/83song.mp3

  13. Hello, Debbie, just found your site and am in love! God bless you for all.
    But , I need your help, I have to teach a class about Enoch do you have something, or any ideas.

    1. Hello, Cindy, I am sorry, but I don't have anything on Enoch. I checked my files. It is something to add to the long to do list! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Hi Debbie, I love your site but I am having a problem with the visuals. When following this instruction highlighted in yellow "Click on visual to download and print the original document" in each Bible story, I am sent to "Distant Shores Media." I would like to print your pictures large enough to use as a visual aid but I haven't been able to figure out how. Is it possible?

    1. Hello, this is the original site for the free visuals. When I use them, I just click on the link, like you are doing, then right click and copy. You can save it if you'd rather. But, if you copy it, then paste it on whatever you use,(I use Word), you can print from there. Click (or double click) on the visual, then at the top tab: Format > Text Wrapping > In front of text. This makes it easier to work with and you can put the picture where you want it. I make my margins .5. You can 'grab' a corner of the visual and drag it to make it bigger. I will probably add the visuals as a download at some time, that is just a lot more time consuming than I have time for right now. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you visiting.

  15. I need help I'm trying to print off the group of Moses crossing the red sea that you have on your blog. I can't get it to print. They are mirrored images and you got it from Sweet Publishing Co. I need it for Wed 8th My kids love doing the hand on bible lessons and they really love to play act it. thank you Crystal cecountry@windstream.net

    1. Crystal, I sent the attachment in an email. Let me know if you still have a problem. Thanks for visiting Bible Fun For Kids.

  16. Hi Debbie!! I can't find your email or how to connect and message you on FB. I would like to use the graphic of Sarah laughing from your post, Genesis: Abraham and Sarah. I am going to link back to that post at the bottom of my post. I am "Blogging Through The Bible" each Friday and I would like to link to your blog more often, if that is alright with you. That way moms can easily find a children's version of the story I am writing about. Is this ok?

    1. Hello Judith, that would be awesome! I appreciate you sharing the link, and when I see it, I will use your button to link back to you, if that is OK. I also think it would be nice to have an adult study added. Thank you! ☺

  17. Hello Debbie,

    Would like to thank you for this beautiful amazing website. It help me a lot in preparing for Sunday School kids. I like the lapbooks a lot! May the Lord bless your work. God bless you richly!

    Myrna / Montréal

  18. Love your site, Debbie! Your heart for the Lord is so evident on the pages of your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. So glad you joined us for the Coffee & Conversation "About Page" link up!

  19. Hi Debbie! I'm joining you from Mom's Morning Coffee and am just so glad to have found you and your blog. I look forward to digging deeper and finding new ways to share the Word with my little ones (3 and 1). Thank you for all that you share!

  20. Hi Debbie, I love your website and pinterest pages! I have used your suggestions in the past. This year we have a heroes of the NT VBS theme. I am looking for some good general ideas (decor, themed reinforcements, etc) to go with the theme (topics have been decided). Have you seen this fine / do you have any suggestions? Thank you!!

    1. Hello paula, thank you! I haven't done this theme, so I really don't have any decorating themes. There is a lot on Pinterest or you can Google Bible Heroes. I started a Pinterest board, but there isn't much on it yet! https://www.pinterest.com/djac123/bible-heroes-of-the-bible/

    2. Thank you!! :) I have scoured Pinterest and just wanted to make sure you hadn't done it and just not posted. Thanks again!

  21. What a wonderful website, great ideas and loads of information for teaching, thanks for sharing! What a blessing

  22. Hi, I am helping to organise our holiday bible club at church. We are hoping to cover the Exodus with the kids. Do you mind if I use a couple of your Moses worksheets in particular Moses the 10 plagues (part 3) and crossing the Red Sea. Your material is fantastic - I can't wait to get to use the dieas when my kids are a bit older!! Many thanks, Emma x

    1. Hello, Emma, everything is free to use for Bible classes and programs. Thanks for stopping by! Glad you can use something!

  23. Debbie,
    I am new to your site but I love it. However I am a little confused. I see work sheets and "lessons" but the lessons don't tell me the story...like an outline of what to actually teach the kids. Like the bible story etc. I want them to look up and read the actual story from the bible and be able to apply it to life
    Lane @ spel4@yahoo.com

    1. Hello Lane, I am sorry, I am not sure if you are asking about a specific post or in general. Most posts that are for teaching have the lesson, visuals, Bible verse, worksheet and usually a type of review project to be used with each one. The scripture is listed in the post somewhere because I believe people should study the scripture and not take anyone's writings as positive truths. For most lessons, you can just about follow the lesson written directly from the Bible, I have just transcribed it to be easier to teach. I rarely have an application because most lessons have more than one and the teacher should discuss, review and apply what part of the scriptures are needed most for their students. Although, you can usually tell from the project what I talked about for the application. I don't typically create an outline, I use the lesson format to teach the Bible facts and events. That is what you see if you purchase material.

  24. I have been like a kid in a candy store on this site ALL NIGHT LONG! I can't seem to STOP and go to bed... even though it's waaaay past my bedtime! I'm LOVING EVERY LESSON, every visual, every craft! DEBBIE, YOU ARE AWESOME! EVERYTHING is so professionally done. Even the art is extraordinary. Your teachings are right on target scripturally, to the point and beautifully illustrated. The tests and crafts are fun and stimulating! WHAT A BLESSING TO FIND YOU! You've thoroughly equipped me for ANY Class I teach. Currently, it's 3-5 year olds on Sunday morning...but 1st-6th Grades on Wednesday nights where I'm teaching the BOOKS of the BIBLE plus an overview of God's PLAN for MAN (using a timeline with key events from Genesis to Revelation). Your LETTERS FOM PAUL will be used next Wednesday. You've armed me and I'm ready to TEACH, TEACH, TEACH! Thank you for your goal of personal EXCELLENCE! (It's evident.) And I thank God for guiding me to this site. WHAT A BLESSING YOU ARE!

  25. Hello Debbie. What a great site and so much help in what I'm doing! I am a member at the Cumberland church of Christ in Somerset, KY. I recently joined the ladies ministry and am in charge of the bulletin boards (of which there are many!). I have searched and searched for ideas to help me put together boards that are attractive and attention getting to the kids, and when I came upon your site I was thrilled! Thank you so much for posting such a helpful website. God bless you in all of your endeavors!

    Your sister in Christ,
    Lisa Vanover

    1. Thank you Lisa! I appreciate your comments! You might find more ideas on my Pinterest boards @ https://www.pinterest.com/djac123/bible-bulletin-boards/

  26. Thank you for your wonderful site!! I just came across it today and I am so impressed & grateful. I teach Sunday School as well as homeschool, and I can't wait to let others know about your site. Thank you!

  27. This is my first time to visit your site. It is wonderful and God has blessed you with this talent. Virgie

  28. Thank you for spending so much time and creativity and then sharing the results!

  29. Hello Debbie,

    What you have created here is wonderful, thank you for the resources.
    Can you recommend one of your lessons I should start with for a 3/4 year old? There is so much it's a little hard to choose. - Christine

    1. Christine, thanks for visiting. That is a hard question to answer! Depending on if you are using it for Bible class or at home. I would begin with creation. That is what I taught for the first lesson for the 3 year old class on Wed. night I am assisting with. It just so happens that I will begin posting those lessons this Friday! There are 13 lessons for Genesis to begin with. The lesson, visuals, pictures to color, application project and more will be included.

    2. Debbie you are an angle!
      I was making this way too hard on myself, your right start from the beginning!
      I am looking forward to Friday :)
      Thank you!

  30. Hello Debbie,

    Thank you for the wonderful resources you hve done a great job.

    What lesson do you recommend starting with for prek/k students?

    1. I like to begin at the beginning... creation. You can find a list @ https://www.biblefunforkids.com/2016/12/genesis-preschool-lesson-links.html

  31. I am just in love!
    We started Judges in our K-3 class this week and I was having a hard time finding what I was looking for in supplemental materials. You're Judges printable are EXACTLY what I've been looking for!
    But then, to find out you're a member of the church?! I've been on so many blogs and Bible class websites that had good materials but had to be combed through or modified because they may not have been teaching truth the whole lesson. To find such a fabulous resource blog that is in the truth is so awesome!
    I love your blog - I've been combing through everything since I found the Judges material. Great job!! Thank you so much for doing what you're doing!!

  32. Hi Debbie, do you have any Bible "drills" curriculum?

  33. I just recently discovered your blog and just wanted to let you know that you have helped me so much with lessons and crafts for my little Sunday School class! I have a small class of 4 sometimes 5 preschool age kiddos and I Love what you have put together! Thank you so much and I pray God will continue to bless you in your works!

  34. I do believe you may have saved my sanity! I teach at a Christian School and we are changing some of our curriculum. I, too, love creating lessons and printables. These are going to be a great asset to our History curriculum, as we teach "His Story" God's plan for the world and America.

    I do have a question, is there a way to modify a printable with the ESV scripture? That is the version we are using at school. Thank you for the generosity of sharing your gift.

    1. Susan, thanks for your comments! I appreciate it. As for changing the version, it would depend on which printable you would want changed. If it is something I can just add where to find the scripture and not have it typed on the printable, I can change a couple. Some versions do not allow using theirs like this. If you leave a comment on the specific post, I can find it easier. Thanks.

  35. Can I use it for Extension CLass?

  36. Hi Debbie! We just started a new quarter and I am using your material to help me teach Acts. I have had you on my mind - I appreciate your help in getting prepared to teach this quarter! You have freely shared so much good work here!! I have thanked God for you and I just wanted to let you know that. I Hope I get to meet you in person one day (this life or heaven!) because you have been a huge encouragement to me. Thank you!! ~Cari

  37. Thanks for stopping by my site today Debbie. I always love visiting your site . it is always so colorful and full of hope. I am sending link to my baby sister who home schools her 4 kiddos! Have a great week and may God bless you and yours

  38. Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your hard work. We are using many of your printables at the Park Heights Church of Christ in Hamilton Texas. Stop by if you're ever down our way.

  39. I have used your material suggestions many times and they are a great help. I was wondering if you have any dvd or video material suggestions that will be trustworthy. There are many kids bible stories on video but you just don't know which to try. We were going to have a movie night once a month for Bible Hour and Stop the video at times and ask questions. Any suggestions for this??? Thank you, DDH

    1. I'm sorry, I do not know what videos would be biblically sound any more. Any that I have seen have something in them I don't like. And, it has been a long time since I have watched any.

  40. Hi, I would love to use some of your printables for a vacation Bible school lesson this summer. Would you mind if I use some Of them for VBS? Thank you.

    1. Crystal, Yes, absolutely, you are permitted to use all printables for VBS, missions, Bible class, etc. Thanks for asking and I am glad you can use them!

  41. Hello Debbie!
    Thank you for sharing your heart, love and lessons about God's Word. Such wonderful work!! I was looking to do a series on the book of Acts and couldn't find anything until I found you. Praise Jesus! Is it okay to use some of your ideas as I put things together for the kids in our Wednesday night programs this fall? Your ideas are right in line with what I was thinking. So grateful!

    1. Hello, Becci! Thanks for your comment. Absolutely, you can use anything here and I am so glad you can use it. If there is anything that I can add for you, leave a question and I will try to create it. Please try to give me a couple of weeks, although I try to work faster! But, sometimes life kicks in and it takes longer. ☺

  42. Vicki Baker, Tara Church of ChristMonday, October 30, 2017 at 3:53:00 AM CDT

    Debbie, in reading info on this page, I realize that you were related to Cathy Whitacre! She and I went to church together for several years - she was a beautiful Christian lady. I understand that you don't feel comfortable doing workshops, but oh how wonderful you would be to younger women in the church wanting to teach. I attended two of Cathy's workshops - still use some of her wonderful ideas. I stated in another remark how much I appreciate you sharing your lessons, ideas, art, etc. Your website is just wonderful. My 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade class is now studying your lessons on the Life of Jesus. May God continue to bless you and your family.

    1. Hello Vicki! It is so nice to hear from someone that knew Cathy. She is truly missed and was a blessing to everyone who knew her. Thanks so much for your comment. It is appreciated.

  43. Debbie, I am trying to print the Disciples poster but I am only getting the first 3 images and then blank pages with just the facts about each at the bottom. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Can you help me ?

    1. Hello Melanie, if you send me a link so I can find the correct PDF to question@biblefunforkids.com I can email it to you. Sometimes that works for people. Thanks! Debbie

  44. Hello Debbie,
    I read your "about me" page and I just had to reach out and say a big ole THANK YOU.

    I have searched up and down and back again for resources to teach. We have a very, very small group of us who gather and we take turns teaching. I teach one time per month. Resources are limited so we have no money for curriculum. We teach only 4 kids (ages 3, 8, and 10) and this makes it hard to get something accessible enough for the littles, but impacting enough for the big ones.

    I need to say thank you so much for blessing others with your FREE materials. Your materials are so detailed and thorough and they have really, really helped me a lot in planning and sticking to my plans. I went through the whole lapbook about Jesus' parables and it was really great for me to keep on track.

    Thank you so much for your hard work for the Kingdom and for making it available to others.

    God bless!

  45. Dear Debbie,
    Thank you for this site! You probably know that it is not useful to little ones, but to us senior adults as well. My husband and I were reading about the bronze serpent-on-a-pole today during our Bible study, and wanted to see a graphic which might help us to understand it better. Yours did just exactly what we needed. Hugs to you from this teacher of teenagers for many years. Keep up the inspiring work!

  46. I just wanted to take a minute to say a big THANK YOU! Your site is exactly what I have been looking for and has helped so much as we study through Acts. I have spent so much time trying to develop ideas and lessons and it is so wonderful to have so many ideas already so well thought out.
    Blessings to you!

  47. Hi Debbie from Australia. Just came across your beautiful site when looking for resources for Joseph for my Sunday School class. I was struck by the professional look and beautiful layout/grphics of your site, not to mention the wonderfully creative resources you have on here. For someone who 'doesn't know much about computers' you sure fooled me! Very inspiring. Thankyou and many blessings.

  48. What an incredible ministry you have! I am a Bible class teacher at a CoC in the Chicagoland area. Our congregation is small and these activities are perfect! Thank you for sharing your gift and inspiring others to teach the Word in every corner of the world! Our favorite curriculum is rather dated, but it has been a challenge to find new "updated" materials that stay true to the scriptures. It makes finding your resources a huge blessing! Take care and press on! God bless!

  49. What an incredible ministry you have! I am a Bible class teacher at a CoC in the Chicagoland area. Our congregation is small and these activities are perfect! Thank you for sharing your gift and inspiring others to teach the Word in every corner of the world! Our favorite curriculum is rather dated, but it has been a challenge to find new "updated" materials that stay true to the scriptures. It makes finding your resources a huge blessing! Take care and press on! God bless!

  50. What a wonderful ministry you have grown into! I am a Bible class teacher at a CoC in the Chicagoland area. What an encouragement I find when I look at all the fabulous (and sound) resources you have created! Thank you so much for sharing your talent and inspiring others to teach our children. Your comments about teachers today needing to update how we teach are spot on. Thank you so much! God bless!

  51. Debbie,
    Thank you so much for loving God and for teaching. You can tell you are devoted to teaching and clearly have a gift that is helping me and others. I am teaching Acts to preschoolers and I love your material. I purchased some material for our class but tend to put it to the side and use mostly your resources. You have made it easier on teachers who are not as creative. I SO much appreciate the time you spent creating this resource for so many. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him. Thanks again!

  52. I am beyond excited to find your website! Really and truly FREE, FUN, artistic, creative ideas to passionately share God's Love and Truth with children! May God bless you throughout eternity for generously giving what you have worked so hard to put together!

  53. Debbie,
    I always enjoy reading your lessons and use much of your materials in my own teaching. I currently teach 3rd graders on Wednesday night and I also work at our congregation's preschool. Thank you for all of your hard work and attention to being scripturally sound! May the Lord bless you and keep you!

  54. Debbie:
    Thank you for sharing the gifts you have been given by God. I am presently writing Bible curriculum for African school children and after having written about 150 lessons my usual creativity is running low. So thank you for all of this great stuff. It helps me get refueled to keep writing so children can study the truth everyday at school.
    Blessings for 2019 keep running the race!!


  55. Dear Debbie
    Your efforts in this blog have been an absolute blessing! I appreciate all the time and effort in all the lesson plans, activities & crafts.

    I am a Sunday school teacher at the Pickering Street Church of Christ in South Africa http://churchofchristps.org/sunday-school/

    My husband is the Deacon overseeing Sunday School & Education.

    You have been a blessing in our ministry and especially to the little ones we are teaching.

    I write this note to say, God has you doing this for a reason, we are all encourage and blessed to have this resource.

    Your sister in Christ, Carmen

    1. Thank you Carmen for your comments. Thank you for your work in Africa! Debbie

    2. Dear Carmen, wow!!
      I am thrilled to see you and your husband serving God together in teaching children God's Word.

  56. Hello sister! I went looking around the internet for some Acts of Worship cards and wondered if I would have to edit some from a denominational page. Lo and behold, I found my Christian family! Those and probably many others will be very appreciated in Columbus, OH at the Fishinger & Kenny church of Christ! <3

  57. Hey sister! I went looking for some Acts of Worship cards and thought I might find a denominational resource I'd have to edit. Lo and Behold! I found Christian family doing some WONDERFUL work for the Lord. We'll be definitely appreciating these at the Fishinger & Kenny coC in Columbus, Ohio. <3

  58. Greetings Debbie! I love your Christ centered devotions and lessons. I'm not a blogger, I don't have a following and I don't teach Sunday school. However, I do teach the word to my kids and use Sunday school lessons I find online to do so. I post our devotional work on Facebook and I cite the resources we use. Right now we're learning about the Ark of the Covenant and I came across your lesson plan. I downloaded the free printable for making your lapbook however I didn't understand your copyright policy. Is it okay if I print your visuals, use your lesson plan and post our devotion on Facebook as long as I reference your Biblefunforkids website directly? (Not referencing the PDF, ONLY your website?) I only have a means to respect your work, time and copyright policy. I do not want to cross you in anyway! Thank you and God Bless, -Justine Rodriguez

    1. Justine, yes. That is perfect. You are permitted to share your photos and a link back is just right for others to get the download here. Thank you!

  59. Thank you for sharing. The information is informative and on a level that children in the early primary grades can comprehend. May God continue blessing you as you have blessed so many of us in sharing His Word.

  60. Hi Debbie,
    I have been following you and using your lapbooks, lesson materials and graphics for at least 5 years! I love your materials and I am a big fan! Your website is my "Go To"
    Thank you for all the work you do putting this on the internet so many can benefit from your teaching skills!
    God bless you!
    Sharron Wade

  61. First I would like to thank you for helping me become a better teacher for Christ for the past 6 or so years. You have inspired me to become a better teacher and have given me tools to do that.
    Second you have a picture on here from a classroom for an older class that post a picture of the ABC of Acts. The picture only goes to chapter 20/Letter 20. I understand for copyright issues on the pictures you cannot post those on the sight but is there any way to get the wording for U to Z and the fact that their are 26 letters to the alphabet and Acts has 28 chapters where chapters doubled up or did you start over?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I truly love everything you put on your website and would love to add this to my teaching collection.

    1. Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them. I am sorry, but I can't find what you are asking me about. Would you mind leaving the question on the post that you saw it? I really am sorry!

  62. Dear Debbie,
    I really, really, really love this site were I have found inspiration and encouragement to keep teaching at our sabbath school at my church. I thank God for your talent and because you are willing to share it with us!
    May God continue to bless you in all you need.
    A big hug from Chile!

  63. Hi Debbie,

    Just want to say a big thank you and God bless you for your amazing work! This site has become a big resource for us at our church! May God continue to bless and water you!

  64. Hi Debbie,

    Thank you so much for producing and making these resources available. I'm one of the ministers of a church in the UK and we are encouraging parents to use your download about David, Nabal and Abigail with their children this coming Sunday as we look at 1 Sam 25.

    Every blessing!

  65. Hi Debbie. My husband and me are wanting to start a wooden toy business. We handcraft toys ourselves and with prayer we decided to make toys and play scenes where children can really benefit from learning the Word of God. We are making Bible characters and scenes that goes along with the characters also puzzles that match every lesson. I really love the content that you have and I've been applying it to my toddler for a few months now and it's starting to form part of his vocabulary. Which is amazing! Thank you. Would you mind if we use some of your content on this blog to help us create these little scenes? We made them for my toddler and it goes very well when used with the lesson plan on this blog. Thank you for your hard work, it's definitely a blessing in our house ❤️

  66. That's a great idea! I would love to see them! I am not sure what parts of content you mean, but yes you can use it. To share any of the printables, please use a link to the web page and not the PDF so people visit Bible Fun For Kids for the download. Thank you!

  67. Hi Deb:
    I really enjoy your ideas on all sorts of stories in the bible. I found one of your ideas on Pinterest about the Temptations of Jesus and would like to get the pictures for it. It is the French Fry Holder with Put Facts of Jesus in order cards. Can you help me?
    Mary McGehee
    Children and Youth Director @ First Presbyterian Church

    1. Hello Mary, you can find that @ https://www.biblefunforkids.com/2014/07/temptation-of-jesus.html Thanks for the comment and I appreciate you stopping by!

  68. thank you for picture, im using some for youtube, im in Indonesia
    Jesus christ bless u

  69. I stumbled upon your website a few weeks ago. It is amazing and has been a time saver and blessing to me! My husband and I teach a k-5 sunday school class in a small congregation in Tennessee. Your lessons are just what I was looking for and need to teach the class. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your lessons and your website.

  70. Thank you for sharing your work! I have enjoyed looking around, I am using part of it tonight in class and will be searching in the future for visuals and ideas! Thanks again!

  71. Hello, using your Prodigal Son lesson for VBS this year. Thank you so much for the beautiful free resources! It is much appreciated. <3 Sarah from Florida

  72. Hello Debbie,

    How are you doing? Please, I am creating a quiz for my Church's youth group. Please, would it be okay to make use of the pictures from your site?

    1. Hello! If the pictures are the Sweet visuals, then Sweet permits usage for that. If you are asking about clipart, then, sorry the clipart isn’t permitted to be used unless you purchase it due to copyright. There is a copyright at the end of every download to tell you where the pictures and graphics came from.

  73. Debbie, I am a Preschool sunday school teacher and I need visuals to teach Preschoolers lessons every sunday. Do you mind if we use content from your site for this purpose?

    1. Hello, yes, you can use any downloads and ideas for class. Most visuals have been updated! I am adding more as I clean them up.

  74. Hi,
    Is it possible to get a copy of the Biblical characters from the Nativity scene black and white? I only see the colored option available. My kids enjoy coloring these every year and hanging them up on our wall.

    1. Hello, can you leave the comment on the post that has the graphics you are looking for? There are several that I have used and I am not sure which set you are looking for. If there is a specific printable you want in black & white, please note that also so I can find what you are looking for. Thank you

  75. Thank you for creating great content and for making it available for us to use! My aunt and I have been using your resources for years to teach the children's Bible classes at our congregation. We appreciate your efforts to make everything scripturally accurate. We love your teaching ideals, your visual aides, and your take-home sheets. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

  76. Wow! I appreciate your web site! Because I don't have color ink in my printer, I was looking for some black and white images to supplement my visuals for my lesson this Sunday. In my search, I found your site and was pleased to find your coloring pages. I am amazed at the great amount of content you have here. Thank you for making it available to us. I'll be back. :) -- Lillian

  77. Hi Debbie, I came across your website a few days ago while preparing for the K-1st Sunday School class that I'm teaching. I was able to use the materials on your site to make a tabernacle lab book with the kids. It was very engaging and meaningful. My church is small with only a handful of children in my class, and cannot afford the fancy curriculum. Today after exploring here a little more, I am very excited and so thankful for what you lovingly offered, so rich and so delightful, better than what I used to get through a paid subscription. Thank YOU!

  78. Thank you for your great website. I am also a Grandmother and also have taught SS for a Looooong time!! I looked up Joash, my SS lesson today and found you had a great fun sheet. Never taught this lesson before in all these years! Love the fun sheet you offered. Thanks!!!

  79. Hello! My name is Sharon. I live in Athens, Alabama. Once a year a group of us go to Whiteville, NC to teach VBS. I am teaching Daniel and the loins den, in June. I was wondering where you ordered your loins? Thank u! Take Care! Sharon

    1. Hello Sharon, I am not sure which lions you are referring to, but I made most of them and if you send me a link, I can help you with the correct information. The most recent purchase was probably this Melissa & Doug huge lion which the kids love @ https://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Giant-Lion-Lifelike/dp/B000AXMK32/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1OOVTA1IOJYBF&keywords=melissa%2B%26%2Bdoug%2Blions&qid=1683193526&sprefix=melissa%2B%26%2Bdoug%2Blions%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685&th=1 Like everything else, I can't believe how much it costs now!

  80. Dear Debbie, I know that countless thanks are not enough to express my love for your website. It is so great! The material has given me a lot of knowledge and inspiration specially English isn’t my first language. I just want to donate to your website to show my appreciation, I hope you could accept it! Thank you again, God bless you!

  81. HI! I teach 3rd through 5th grades. I have 3 six" styrofoam cubes (hollow) and am hoping to brainstorm a use for them in a Bible game or Scripture reinforcement activity. Do you have any ideas or links? Thanks

    1. I am not sure without seeing them, but I posted this on BFFK Facebook and Rebekah had these suggestions: Rebekah Prince
      I'm not sure how well they would hold up, but could maybe turn them into dice for a game? Regular dice with numbers or could put words on each side. Might work well to discuss something like the love passage or fruit of the spirit. Whatever word comes up they can discuss. I'm not sure how it might fit but there are pretty images of homemade foam blocks with fabric. Not quite the same but could maybe glue fabric squares on to make them pretty and laminated numbers or words on the top.
      Not sure how crafty you feel but I see some pics for snowmen with Styrofoam cubes. Possibly something like robots could also work? You could decorate and cut the top off one or two blocks and put verses or clues inside for the kids to draw, so they have to take the head/body off the character and choose one.
      Or keeping it very simple, you could print laminate words or Bible verses and attach them to wooden skewers and poke them into the cubes? They could organize the verse into the correct order or look up verses. You could face them away against the wall if you want to keep them secret until they draw one.

  82. I'm a big fan of your books and I was wondering if you would be open to having them translated into Swahili (Tanzania) The kids in our church do not speak English. I believe it would be a fantastic opportunity to introduce your work to a whole new audience. I would be more than happy to do that.

  83. Hey Debbie, Congratulations for an amazing job that you do. I personally love your books. I was completely captivated by how the books are informative . As a passionate reader and sunday school teacher , I couldn't help but wonder if there might be an opportunity to translate your book into Swahili. Swahili is such a beautiful language, and I believe that sharing your story with a wider audience would be incredible, especially my kids who speak it as their first language. I would be honored to work on this project and bring your words to life in Swahili. Please let me know if you would be open to discussing this further. Thank you for considering my request!"

    1. Hello, I appreciate your offer and would love to add another language to share God's word to more people! How to set it up translate would depend on what type of printable you are asking about because of graphic copyright. If you could email me a PDF of what you are interested in, we could set up a way to implement it. If the graphics are copyrighted, that makes it more work for you, because I can't share unsecured documents with the graphics. Thank you for offering to take the time to share. Your name would be listed on the copyright page as the translator, too. debbiedavejackson81@yahoo.com

  84. I found your resource today and I was very happy to see it! I am using some of the "Parables of Heaven" material with a multi-age group. Thank you for the lovely photos of all the story elements!

  85. I love your material and have been using it alot. The last few days I have not been able to download anything off of your site. It keeps coming up as too many people have assessed this material.

    1. Hi, I googled it, and I can't change it because it is something Blogger does to control their server load. They want to control too many downloads but tell people to check back later. You can keep trying or write another comment with the page link and exactly what it you want and your email. I will email the PDF to you, and I will delete and not post the comment. Sorry, I don't know what else to do.

    2. I hate to suggest it because it won't be a simple thing (rarely is), but perhaps you could to migrate this to another more flexible platform? There are some excellent ones out there. Google is struggling with internal issues and it is affecting more and more people in many ways.

  86. I am interested in some book where do i get it

  87. Your materials have been a great aide to me as we teach through Acts - thank you!! The link for the Teen Studies doesn't work - how can I find them?

  88. Thank you so much for this very useful site! I have been a Sunday school teacher, for many years, and this site is going to be so helpful. I aways have it in the back of my mind that the kids is going to be bored. With this sight I think they will enjoy these lessons. Thank you very much!

  89. Thank you. I was asked to do childrens church this Sunday. Huge help thank you.

  90. Hello, I would love it if you could do John by Chapter. Could you please consider it. I know you do so much work but John is one of my favorite books and I would like to share it with kids.

  91. Forgot to ask. How can I donate to you to support your wonderful ministry?

  92. I teach 3's and 4's on Sunday mornings and have so enjoyed using your bible curriculum. One thing I really like is having the stories in the smaller versions so my kids can take them home and retell the stories to their parents. Do all the stories have this?

    1. Melanie, most lessons should have a foldable mini booklet. You can also search for Jeanne's newsletter foldables which can be used as a take home. You can leave a comment on a specific lesson to request a foldable mini booklet, but I can't always create one if there are not pictures available.

  93. I wanted to tell you what a great job you have done. From my own work I know that it was probably very confusing at times and you worked long and hard to make it as clear as possible. I am very impressed! I expect your work is seriously underrated because people don't know the work you put into it.

    I copied your Kings images into a document so print and cut into pieces to help me visualize what in the world was going on so I can understand some of the complexities in Kings and Chronicles! It's like a soap opera! I hate those, so am not used to keeping track of people and their drama. We also moved a lot as a kid so I stopped trying to remember names because we would just move again, so that doesn't help. Thanks for forging the path!

  94. I absolutely love your series on Luke, but I can't seem to get some of the parts to work. I'm coaching 3rd-5th graders in a bible bowl competition over Luke this year, and it would be a HUGE help if I could use these resources. Thank you for everything you do, these are truly God sent!

    1. If you leave a comment on the post where you find a broken link, I will correct it ASAP. And I really appreciate it, so it doesn't annoy others!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.