
Monday, January 27, 2014

Preschool Alphabet: H is For Dorcas the Helper

Preschool Alphabet: H is For Dorcas the Helper
Preschool at home ideas and printables! We are studying a person from the Bible and a letter for one week. So, most of these ideas are for home use, not all are intended for Bible class.
These are the review cards that are in the printable pack. We talked about Dorcas and then we used the cards to talk about being a helper.

Our Bible discussion this week is Dorcas. Here is the condensed version found in Acts 9:36-43 for preschool. She is also called Tabitha. She was a HELPER and made clothes for others. She did a lot of good thing for other people. She became sick and then she died. The disciples heard that Peter was nearby. They sent two men to find Peter and they begged Peter to come see Dorcas.

Peter went to Dorcas and there were a lot of widows that were holding clothing that Dorcas had made for them. Peter asked them all to leave the room, and he prayed to God. Peter told Dorcas to get up! She opened her eyes and when she saw Peter, she sat up! The people were so excited to see Dorcas alive again! A lot of people believed in God after they saw Dorcas alive again.
Miracles in Acts 9 visuals include Aeneas and Dorcas.
All visuals are not shown.

(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
We are using the pictures to color to talk about Dorcas. We worked on H is for heart today. I gave them heart necklaces, which they loved and it reminded them all day for several days about the letter H. You can do anything with the heart worksheet, we added foamy hearts to these.
I found foamy guitars with hearts and we talked about the helper worksheets. They like to carry out the recycle for me, and we talked about the iPad (sharing is helping). There are several for you to pick from.
The maze for Dorcas is Pac Man style! The object is to draw a line to each shirt, so it takes a little circling to reach them all and end at the heart.
There are always other printables in the alphabet packs which includes several pages like H is for Heart, etc. and not necessarily from the Bible. There are always retelling cards to print and let them tell you what they learned about the Bible. And, there are always one or two pictures to color of the Bible facts for each letter. Click here to print everything.
The girls used their Melissa & Doug sewing boards and beads to sew while we talked about Dorcas.
(Melissa & Doug coupons can be found here.)
Since it's been so cold, even in Memphis, we made snowmen today. I just used different size plates to make the circles, then used craft sticks for the arms. They used the heart stickers and added a hat to keep with the H theme. We added the wiggle eyes, the zig zag legs they love are 12" x 1.5", and they drew on the mouth & nose. Last, I put glue on the bottom circle and they added the cotton balls. You can tell who likes purple!
We are reading Pete the Cat 'Valentine's Day is Cool'... they LOVE Pete!
And, we are reading about Groundhog's day to get ready for next month. Also, this month we added Polar Bear, Polar Bear and always read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, both by Eric Carle. Also, the Mitten by Jan Brett is a good one, and we used these free printables here.
 Click on the above picture to see the
 A-Z Bible People Pictures to Color.
Click on the above picture to find more A-Z God made It printables.


  1. I am actually working on my daughter about the letter H. These would be helpful. I would love to have you hop over and share with us at Tell Me About It Tuesday! (

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for the invite to the link up! I added it and will add your blog to my link up list! Thank you!

  2. Thanks again for sharing your precious...and so important ideas...on our blog hop today!! Blessings!

  3. These are really great!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing these ideas! I am looking for ways to teach my 2 year old about faith, so I plan on coming back here for a resource!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.