
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Moses: Tabernacle Worship in Wilderness

New updated posters and worksheets have been added for the Tabernacle, Aaron's High Priest outfit and the High Priest Breastplate.
 This is a very condensed lesson on the tabernacle. For the students that I have, I decided to teach the basics about the High Priest's clothes and the tabernacle and how it was set up. God told the people exactly how He wanted them to set it up and how He wanted them to worship Him. I made a lapbook and the students filled in each numbered item that was in the tabernacle as we discussed it.
Review: Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament, and our lesson today is in Exodus. God gave Moses the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai and when Moses came down after 40 days, he saw the people worshipping a gold calf that his brother Aaron had made. Moses was so angry; he threw down the 10 commandments and broke them! Moses melted the gold calf and mixed it in the water and made the people drink it. Then, Moses cut 2 new tablets, went back onto Mount Sinai, and God wrote the 10 commandments again. (Exodus 34:28)
Lesson:  Today we are going to talk about how the Israelites worshiped while they were in the wilderness for 40 years. (Scripture is Exodus 35-40) God gave Moses His instructions to build a tabernacle. Tabernacle means tent and was a place to worship God. They could pack everything up and move it when they traveled through the wilderness.
They built a tabernacle 2 years after they left Egypt. (Exodus 40:17) They made it exactly as God told them He wanted it. The people donated gold, jewels, oil for the lamps, and fabric for the priests. There was so much gold given by the people, Moses had to tell them not to bring anymore! (Exodus 36:6-7) Moses wanted anyone that could make items for the tabernacle to help with the work.

Aaron was the first high priest, and his sons were made priests. The tribe of Levi also worked in the tabernacle with Aaron. There were special clothes made for the priest. (Exodus 39) The priest wore a turban on his head, also called a Mitre. (Exodus 39:30) There was a gold plate on the front that said HOLINESS TO THE LORD and was tied on with a blue cord.

The high priest wore an ephod (looks like an apron) that was made of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen. It had shoulder straps to hold the pieces together. They were engraved pieces of gold with onyx stones on the shoulders as a memorial for the sons of Israel. (Exodus 39:2-7)
And over the ephod, the priest wore a breastplate. It had 12 different stones on it to represent the12 tribes. (Exodus 39:8-12)

(I briefly went over who the 12 tribes were)
Under the ephod was a blue robe of the Ephod. It had gold bells and pomegranates all around the bottom hem. (Exodus 39:22-26) And, under the blue robe was a tunic made of fine linen. (Exodus 39:27)
That is the clothing for the high priest, let's talk about what was inside the tabernacle. (Exodus 40) The Lord told Moses to set up the tabernacle on the first day of the first month.  God told Moses exactly how and where to set everything up.
Outside, in the outer courtyard, Moses put the bronze altar or altar of burnt offering. (Exodus 40:29) He offered animal and grain sacrifice to God.
He put water in the laver for washing and hung up a screen at the court gate. Whenever Moses, Aaron or his sons went into the temple, they washed their hands and feet first in the laver. Our Bible verse for today: Thus, Moses did; according to all that the Lord had commanded him, so he did. (Exodus 40:7)
Moses set up the tent and put the ark of the covenant inside. He put the mercy seat on the ark. He hung the veil between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. (Exodus 40:3)
Moses set up the table of showbread. (Exodus 40:22-23) It had 2 plates with a total of 12 loaves of bread to represent the 12 tribes (flat round circles like pancakes(?). New loaves replaced the old ones every Sabbath. There was also a bowl & pitcher.
He added the golden lampstand that had 7 branches on it and lit the lamps with the best olive oil they had.  (Exodus 40:24-25) (Exodus 27:20-21)
The altar of incense was also inside the Holy Place. They had a special formula to make the incense, and it was used every morning and evening and only used in the tabernacle. (Exodus 40:26-27) (Exodus 30:34-38)
There doesn't seem to be any tabernacle visuals available with just the items in the tabernacle, so I used the Sweet Publishing visuals and cropped them to save ink. I wanted the words on them for the students. Whether you use the file folder game or the fill in the blank worksheet, the above visuals are what I wanted so the students can see the picture with the words (and it keeps me from spelling the same words repeatedly). Click here to download the items in the tabernacle visuals.
See below for updated posters.
When the cloud covered the tabernacle, the Lord was there and Moses did not enter the tabernacle and the people did not travel. The cloud was above the tabernacle during the day, and the fire was at night through the Israelites journey in the wilderness.(Exodus 40:34-38)

My husband and I made the Ark of the Covenant. My husband made the ark to the scale of the guys we found at Dollar Tree. I will post the directions and more pictures later. This was a long lesson to prepare and I ran out of time to write up the info! I read several places there are 50 chapters written just on the tabernacle! God wanted to make sure the people worshipped Him HIS way. He was very clear about how they were to do everything!

I decided to update the Tabernacle posters and add new worksheets to correspond with everything. These (and the High Priest outfit) were designed to be used with Aaron's Life.
This is Aaron's High Priest outfit. The first is a completed teacher's visual. The worksheets are the same in color and black and white.
I added these to teach the High Priest's Breastplate. I originally designed these for 2021 VBS.

Please note: I have researched the 12 stone colors extensively. There may be differences because of the Biblical wording and the color of the stones from the area. Their dirt and lands; not ours. It is an interesting study but there are differences in the actual stones. A single stone might have several different colors in the stone itself. There are so many variables. Also, since the original text is read from right to left, that is how I placed the stones; not the English reading of left to right.
The Tabernacle has two posters and the same color and black & white student fill-in-the-blank worksheets. I added separate posters for each of the items God specified that they make for the Tabernacle.

Click here to download the Tabernacle, High Priest and High Priest Breastplate posters and worksheets.
All these visuals and more are included in this file.
This set of visuals do not have any words.

Click here to download the pictures to color.
If you do not want to make the lapbook, you can click here to print this fill in the blank worksheet. Because of time, I decided to use this worksheet, with the High Priest on the back and let the students fill in the blanks as we discussed each item in the tabernacle.
You can click here to print the same as the above, but with the answers for the teacher.
The following lapbook has been updated! Mix and match any of the printables on this post to create the lapbook you want for your students.
Click here to download the above updated lapbook.
*This lapbook has been updated as shown above. *
I made these lapbooks to use during our lesson today. I used a basic picture for each item in the tabernacle that we discussed. The inside where the students write the info is blank, so you can add as much or as little as you want.

I put the lapbooks together before class, but if you are using at home, or want to use it for several weeks and want to let the kids put them together, the first thing to do is print everything. I usually print on cardstock, especially the cover. Due to a larger class, I have been printing everything but the cover on regular paper.
I take the file folder and fold the sides toward the center of the inside line, making sure it is straight along the bottom. That way when I open it up, I have the center which holds a piece of paper and the sides, which holds a half sheet of paper. I lay out the front cover and open it up to draw the folder line on the back of the cover and carefully cut. I use Aleene's Tacky Glue for my projects.
Next, lay out the inside parts however you decide looks best for you. I laid out the numbered parts along the side flaps of the folder and put the other questions in the center with the tabernacle drawing.
I added the High Priest on the back for reference and it is easy to use for discussion.
Sorry, the black & white is not included in this file.

Click here to download the updated lapbook.
This is today's cut & glue picture to color. I print the backgrounds on different color cardstock, and the pictures for the students to cut are on regular paper. You can print it here.
Click here to print the same picture, but is a picture to color (no cutting).
You can see all the Moses cut & glue pictures to color here.
We marked our Moses map for his travels. You can find more information here.
Click here for the lesson.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
I also used the Betty Lukens felt set while I told the lesson. I did not read the paper insert that is package, since I read the Bible and found my information there, so I do not know if that is correct. But, I do like the flannelgraph. The kids like it, and I use it once in a while because it new to them!

You can print and make your own free tabernacle model here (#219).

Yah! Click to see this post as the most clicked on:


  1. Great job on the file folder game! Thanks for linking to the After School Linky!

  2. Wow! That is a very neat way to teach about the tabernacle. Love the lapbook!

    1. Thank you! Thanks for the nice comment! Glad you like the lapbook! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I LOVE your Bible lessons! I think I've pinned every one I've seen! Thank you for sharing such good quality Bible lessons!

    1. Thanks so much! Thank you for the very nice comment and thanks so much for sharing by pinning!

  4. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. You help to make it so much fun.♥

  5. This is great lesson about Moses and the Tabernacle that is perfect for kids. Thank you for sharing and for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop.

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the comment and thanks for stopping by!

  6. What a great unit, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the nice comment!

  7. What an amazing lesson!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday and congratulations on being most clicked this week!!

    1. Thanks so much for the nice comment! I appreciate you hosting the weekly link up! And, thanks for the super nice button for the tabernacle! I appreciate it! ☺

  8. I have really enjoyed using your material on Moses. In two weeks our lesson will be on the Tabernacle. Teaching this to young first graders is hard, but your material will make it much easier for them to understand. However, I was trying to access theTabernacle Game, and was wondering if it was a variation on the Tabernacle Lap Book?

    1. Thanks for the comment, and Sorry, my fault. They are actually the same thing, as I started writing and making the lapbook, I started by calling it a file folder game, but as I was finishing it, I realized it is more of a lapbook and some things were already on the post. So, technically, it is a lapbook!

  9. Than you for sharing your ideas! I can't wait to get started with the file folder activity!
    What an easy way to explain this wonderful and meaningful lesson.

    1. thanks for visiting! I appreciate the comment! Glad you can use the file folder game! ☺

  10. Excellent learning material, Debbie. I landed here looking for something I discovered to be a bit of a rarity. I am creating a cover for a training manual of a course given by my pastor here in Pretoria, South Africa, on the theme of priesthood. As a representation he would like to display the high priest's breastplate. Finding good quality high resolution images (not photos of cheap imitations) turns out to be quite the challenge. Would you allow me to use the image you have of that here, only using the plate itself?

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am not sure which photo you are looking at, but if it the visuals then those are for anyone to use. You can see the copyright stuff here: If it is the cut & glue photo with the colors of the stones, then that is mine and yes you can use it. Thanks for asking!

  11. Wow--your students are lucky to have you!! I'm teaching 2s and 3s, so I'm going to adapt the outline of the tabernacle with its items to be a glue project (my kids LOVE to glue). But I love the idea of "lapbooks" made from file folders! That's genius! For younger ones, it's a ready-made busy project to look at during worship! Great job!

  12. Thanks for sharing . Great job! now I only have to translate into Hebrew for our class in Israel!

  13. Thanking for taking the time to such good work

  14. Thank you, so much, for this! God bless you!!!!

  15. Thank you that your lessons and descriptions are always visual. It helps a ton when preparing to be able to see what the end product is! This lesson is an excellent teaching tool for kids to understand a topic most haven't learned about. Thank you and God bless you for sharing your ideas!

  16. Hi, Where can I get the template for the lapbook pieces?

    1. Hi, you can download everything @

    2. I know this is an older question, but this lapbook file has been updated. If you are interested, it can be downloaded @

    3. Thank you for updating the link here! I was so disappointed when I couldn't access the file at your links above. Glad you shared the correct link in the comments!

  17. i have been checking this site out cause i am teaching about moses and i am insired by all the great crafts and lapbooks i am seeing. i will definitely be using some of these ideas.
    great job Debbie!!!

  18. What a great job this is always been my favorite subject to share thank you for all your hard work

  19. Thanks for the lesson on the tabernacle! I teach children's church and it is so hard to find good lessons without paying a fortune for a teacher's book. Again, thanks

  20. Wow this is amazing... so much effort went into this... love that it is easy to explain and there are different visual aids to use... Keep on keeping on ;)

  21. Thanks for sharing. I am using this for sunday school this week.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing this craft, Debbie! I was so thrilled to see that there was a craft on the Tabernacle!! This definitely makes studying through the section fun and interactive for the kids. Thank you again for sharing. I appreciate it greatly!

  23. Blessed by your creativity in putting together the lapbook. Great job. God bless you.

  24. This is CRAZY awesome! Thank you for all these beautiful resources!!

  25. Wow!!! This is amazing. May God continue to Bless your ministry. Keep up the great work. Blessings

  26. Have been looking for something for elderly sunday school, but is not so costly, as I live outside of the US. I love the creativity of the ideas here! Bless you for your ministry and your generous sharing of ideas with others!

  27. I teach a junior church class on Wednesday nights and your page is truly a God send. It is so kind of you to allow free access to printables, ideas, and worksheets for Bible lessons. We do not have a Christian book store anywhere around us so most of what I do get comes from Amazon. I love your page and appreciate you! God bless!

  28. Hi, thank you for putting this together! I really like the lapbook, but am unable to find the file which contains the pictures shown in the lapbook as the link seems to have expired. Could you kindly share the latest link to the printables for the lapbook please? Am teaching this lesson next week. Thank you for your help!

    1. Thank you for letting me know! I decided to update the file before adding it. These look much better! You can download the file @

  29. What an incredible resource! I'm so grateful for the time and talent you put into this - it will be such a help for our upcoming lesson on the Tabernacle!

  30. Hi Debbie. I'm trying to download the tabernacle pictures. Below the pictures there's a "click here to download sentence," but it there's not an embedded link. Can you help me out?

    1. Hello, is this what you are looking for? If you don't need them tomorrow, I can update this next week. Some of them can look cleaner.

  31. I think that is so interesting n how the people worked to make everything and probably why God had them to bing gold silver and other metals out of Eygpt. I fond in oriental trading rhinestones 1150 pieces for less than $12. # 14363759, I want to have my kiddos to make them a breast plate


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.