
Friday, April 12, 2013

Baptism of Jesus
Jesus is baptized by His relative John. This lesson includes a one-page slider for review.
To discuss John, I purchased some fabric that has a slightly rough texture that is a camel color. I bought a jar of honeyleather strap, and used a locust I have for the plagues.

Scripture for lesson is found in Mathew 3:13-17 (also Mark 1:4-12; Luke 3:2-23; John 1:28-33. Jesus grew up working with His earthly father, Joseph, being a carpenter. They lived in Nazareth, a small town in Galilee. When He was about 30 years old, He left home and went to see his John His relative.
Remember that we studied about the birth of John. His father is Zacharias and his mother is Elizabeth. Zacharias didn’t really believe the angel when he said that they would have a baby. Remember that they were older. So Zacharias couldn’t talk until  the baby was born and he wrote that “His name is John” for the people to see.
Jesus went to meet John at the Jordan River. He wanted to be baptized. And Jesus wanted John to baptize Him.

About John: Mathew 3:1-11 John and Jesus were related. He wore clothes made  from Camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist. John ate locusts and wild honey. People came to him from all Judea.
John baptized the people in the Jordan River with water and said that the One coming was mightier than him. (Matthew 3:11) John was preparing the way for Jesus to come. He did what God wanted and taught people about Jesus.

He didn’t worry if it upset people because he taught them about Jesus. He wasn’t ashamed to live for Jesus.

John told Jesus that He should be baptizing him and John asked “Why are You coming to me?”
Jesus told John “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John baptized Him.

{ Reminder: Point out words of Jesus in red in red letter edition Bibles.}

After Jesus was baptized, Jesus came up immediately out of the water…so by the Bible, Jesus was in the water to be baptized. Remember, Baptism Means All the Way Under! When Jesus came up the Heavens were opened up to Him and Jesus saw the Spirit of God coming down like a dove and a voice from Heaven said “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”   

Jesus didn’t need to be baptized since He had never sinned. But Jesus was baptized to show us an example of what we need to do. Jesus’ baptism also show us how to be baptized. Baptism is for people that know right from wrong, believe that Jesus is the Son of God and they want to go to Heaven. When you repent you have a change of heart, and change how you live your life. Baptism washes away sin and then if you live the way God wants, you will go to Heaven.
Today's extra printable is the Baptism of Jesus slider. As you are telling the Bible lesson, the kids can slide from picture to the next. The left is what it looks like when you print it and the above right is the finished slider. You use a craft knife to make the slits for the picture strip to slide in. You can print it here.
These are available to print in color or in black and white to use as a picture to color.



**Jesus’ baptism is the start of His ministry.

What is Baptism? Immersion; buried under water

Greek forms: Rhaino- sprinkle  Cheo (k-e-o) pour  Baptism: plunge, submerge

Baptism 1                        Baptism 2
 These are the baptism posters I use when I teach the book of Acts.
This is the baptism of Jesus lapbook printable for Life of Jesus
This is the lapbook worksheet for today's lesson. The page has the water and, the students will cut and glue Jesus, John and the dove to the page. You can print it here.

You can find all the download links for the Life of Jesus lapbooks and the lapbook worksheets here.
Bible Verse:  Matthew 3:13 
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.


  1. Thank you so much for creating this!!

    1. You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the comment! ☺

  2. So Awesome!!! Thank you what a great resource to teach young and older Children about our Great God...

  3. I just stumbled across your blog and I love your work! Thank you so much for sharing! Do you by chance have the Jesus and John the baptist and dove cut out page available as a coloring sheet?

    1. Sorry, I just saw your comment. You can download one @ Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Thank you so much for the materials. God bless you

  5. Love the craft class loved them!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! They will be added as soon as they are approved.