
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Aquila & Priscilla
Paul made tents with Aquila and Priscilla. So, the project is a craft that can be Print-and-Go, or you can sew the printable banner to felt to make a banner.
Review: Last week Paul was walking the streets of Athens and he saw that there were idols. Paul was upset about this, and he talked to people in the synagogue and in the marketplace. One day, the people took him to Mars Hill and the men asked Paul "What are you talking about?" Paul told them about the idol that said TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. That is the God that created everything, and His Son came and died and rose from the dead. Some people made fun of him, but others wanted to know more about Jesus. Remember, there is ONE GOD. And He wants us to teach everyone about Jesus, but not everyone will believe. 
Lesson: Scripture is Acts 18:1-18; vs. 24-26. Paul left Athens by himself and went 50 miles to Corinth. As Paul walked the streets of Corinth, he saw how much sin there was here, too. The Corinthians loved money, drinking, gambling and all kinds of sin. Paul was really upset by what he saw. He found a Jew there named Aquila. Aquila had just come from Italy with his wife Priscilla. The ruler had commanded that the Jews all leave Rome.

They were tentmakers like Paul. Paul stayed with them and worked with them, making tents and spreading the gospel. They used goatskin and made leather tents.
Paul went to the synagogue every week and taught people about Jesus. Some believed and were baptized. Silas and Timothy came to be with Paul. When Paul taught the Jews about Jesus, they didn’t believe what he said and became at Paul. Paul told them that "I have taught you the truth about Jesus, if you don’t believe, it’s your responsibility."
Paul went to a man's house called Justus. He was a Christian and his house was next door to the synagogue. Crispus probably heard Paul preaching and he was the ruler of the synagogue, believed what Paul taught about Jesus and his whole household were baptized. There were many people from Corinth that believed and were baptized.
The Lord came to Paul one night (in a vision) and told him not to be afraid and to keep on teaching God's Word. The Lord told Paul that He was with Paul, and he would be safe. There are a lot of God's people in the city. Jesus told Paul that he would not be physically attacked while he was in the city of Corinth. Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half preaching.
Paul sailed with Aquila and Priscilla to Syria, which is a country. They sailed 250 miles and landed at Ephesus. He left Aquila and Priscilla and went to the synagogue. The people begged Paul to stay, and Paul said no, but "I will return, if the Lord wills." Paul left and sailed to Caesarea, and Aquila and Priscilla stayed there to teach.
While Aquila and Priscilla were there, they met a man named Apollos. Luke says he was very educated and had studied the Old Testament scriptures. He was excited to teach people about Jesus, but he only knew about John. John is the cousin of Jesus and he baptized Jesus. John taught about Jesus coming to save people from their sins.

When Aquila and Priscilla heard Apollos preaching, they wanted to teach him that Jesus had already come and died on the cross. Apollos wasn't teaching the whole truth. So, Aquila and Priscilla took Apollos aside and talked to him about God and explained to him the truth. 
For our class project today, we made these banners. I made them, and the students decorated them. I wanted something to remind them of Aquila and Priscilla sewing and making tents. But they can't safely sew at their age. So, I have done this craft for a few years, and they like it!
I have used the precut pieces of felt for this project, which is a lot easier, since you don't have to cut it. But I needed quite a few, so I bought the felt by the yard. Depending on your width of the felt, I would just cut so there isn't any waste. I cut these 9 1/2 inches wide X 11 1/4 inches long. That's an odd size, so I just cut to get the most out of my felt. Very few of my crafts are a science. I do too many to waste product, so I cut fabrics to work. And, if you wanted to, you could cut a triangle off of the center bottom to flow with the banner.

The top has a loop folded to the back that is 1 inch, and that can vary depending on the size of dowel rod you use to hang it. I used 3/16" dowel rods for these. I buy the assorted size dowel rods already cut in the craft dept. at Wal Mart. I cut the yarn 23 inches. 
Once I folded over the top for the loop, I sewed all the banner loops with red threads. Then, I used white thread for the top (kept the red for the bottom) and sewed on the printed paper banners to the felt. If you follow the arrow in the photo, you can see where I sewed  the banner on. It doesn't matter which end you start on, I just didn't sew the triangle  at the bottom. I sewed the 2 sides and the top only. Remember, you will see needle holes in the paper if you make a mistake!

You can print it here:
For class, everything was prepped, and they added the foam stickers.
The occupations do not cover every job people had during the times of the New Testament but is more of a review of people and jobs studied during Jesus and Paul.
This has been updated and includes Anchor Charts with the answers 
which can also be used for bulletin boards, etc.

You can find all the Acts worksheets here.
Click here to download the lesson.
All visuals for Acts 18 are included and all are not shown.

(These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.)
This tent stays up in my class. I change the banners for certain lessons. You can read more about it and see different tents and ideas here.

Bible Verse: Acts 18:3

 Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.


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