The 12 Disciples of Jesus

Sunday, August 5, 2012
Jesus Picks His Disciples includes the printables for the dozen Disciples egg carton!
An oldie but goodie post!

This week Jesus is going to pick out His helpers. They are called Disciples, which means follower. (Apostle means one who is sent.) Scripture reference:  Mark 1:1:14-20; John 1:35-51, Matthew 10:1-8; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:13-16

The Disciples included three sets of brothers:
Simon (whom He had named Peter) and Andrew.
James and John, Zebedee's sons.
James and Thaddeus, sons of Alpheus

First is (2) Andrew and (4) John. At about 4 in the afternoon, Jesus talked to Andrew and John. They asked Jesus where He was staying, and He told them to come and see. They spent the rest of the day with Jesus. Andrew went to find his brother Simon and told him that they (Andrew and John) had found Jesus.
Then Simon went to Jesus and Jesus told Simon that he would be called (1) Peter which means rock. At the same time, John went to get his brother (3) James.
John 1:43-51 Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found (6) Philip and told him to “Follow me.” Philip found (7) Bartholomew. He was also called Nathanael. He asked Philip if anything good could come out of Nazareth and Philip told him to come and see Jesus!
They went to Jesus and Jesus greeted them and told Bartholomew “Before Philip called you, I saw you sitting under the fig tree". Bartholomew was amazed and Jesus told him that he would see greater things. Because Jesus had known that Bartholomew was sitting under a fig tree, he knew that Jesus was special!

So, we have Simon, now called (1) Peter by Jesus and (2) Andrew his brother. The two brothers (3) James & (4) John. And we have (6) Philip. All of these five Disciples were from Bethsaida, which was a fishing town. People think that (11) Simon was also brought in as a Disciple around the same time.
(5) Matthew was a tax collector. He collected taxes outside the city of Capernaum. People who came by him had to pay taxes for average items they traded. The fishermen also paid taxes on their catches. People didn’t like the tax collectors because they overcharged to make extra money for themselves. It was usually a 5% fee, but some things were charged up to 12%. People thought the tax collector's money was so unclean, they didn’t ask for their change! Matthew 9:9 says that Jesus saw Mathew sitting at the tax office and walked up to him and said, “Follow Me.” Matthew did.
(9) James, son of Alphaeus & (10) Thaddeus. There isn’t much told to us about them. (8) Thomas is known as Doubting Thomas because he didn’t believe that Jesus, after He died was raised from the dead.
(12) Last, we have Judas Iscariot. He is the one that betrayed Jesus. He was the treasurer for the Disciples. (John 12:6) He betrays Jesus for money. We’ll learn more about him later.
Jesus told them that they were to preach, preach, preach! Jesus told them to heal the sick including the lepers.
The Disciple's Anchor Charts have a picture and an 'About Me' on each page. There are several extra posters for Disciples and the Apostles are included also.
 Fishing boat visual for Disciples                           Matthew Tax Collector Visual

There are two different versions of the Disciples for you to choose from:
(But the outside top cover, song, Jesus and initials are the same)
The original idea for this project was found on Pinterest (☺). Sunday School Kids created the original project (as far as I know). I wanted to print mine in color, so I made these. Their original black and white printables can be found here.

I printed the outside and added Jesus on the stick for the inside. Jesus can be printed here.

A color version for the outside top can be printed here.

For the inside, I wanted this in color, so I printed the 12 Disciples song for the top and printed the first letter of each name and used a small circle punch to cut out. I use Aleene's Tacky Glue for my craft projects. I tried to make 'egg' shape Disciples, but they are really ovals.
Here are the initials for the Disciples.
This was the workbook page for this lesson. One side is lapbook style, read the question and lift the flap to write the answer. Today, instead of gluing pictures, I put a wheel with the Disciples names.
 Print the Disciples wheel here.
Here are the printables for the Disciples page of the lapbook:
You can find all the download links for the Life of Jesus lapbooks and the lapbook worksheets here.
Robin Sampson sent another Disciples song to use (Thanks):
(sing to Jesus Loves Me)

Peter, James, John, Andrew,
Phillip, and Bartholomew
Thaddeus, Thomas, another James
Mathew, Simon, Judas too.

These 12 disciples, all followed Jesus
But one betrayed Him,
Lord help me be true.
Here is a very good article about the Disciples.

Bible Verse:  Mark 1:17
Discípulos Printables também estão disponíveis em Português:
A cobertura exterior para a parte superior pode ser impresso aqui:
Os Discípulos pode ser impresso aqui:
As primeiras iniciais para os discípulos podem ser impressos aqui:
Jesus que colada a uma grande palito para o interior pode ser impresso aqui:
Os discípulos da música pode ser impressa aqui:
Aqui está o cartaz fo os 12 discípulos de Jesus também:
Favor informar-me se existe uma tradução incorreta. Thanks!
Tradução @


  1. WOW! This is certainly amazing. Thank you for sharing

  2. seria bem melhor se estivesse traduzido em portugues, ou seja, Brasileiro neh,,,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Translation: would be better if it were translated into Portuguese, or Brazilian neh,,,

      Eu adicionei os printables para os 12 discípulos em Português! Eu usei o Google Translator, por isso, se há um erro na tradução, por favor me avise para que eu possa corrigi-lo. Eu também adicionei o Disciples cartaz 12. Deixe um comentário se há outros printables, e eu vou tentar adicioná-lo para você. Obrigado pela visita! Eu aprecie isso!

  3. This is great! Thanks so much for sharing!!
    Thanks for linking up with us this week!  Stop by One Organic Mama Thursday for THE Pin it Party and this weekend for the Weekend Block Party!  Hope to see you again!!  <3

  4. Super! Great resources!!!! Thank you!

  5. Great resources!!God bless you Debbie and may He give you more ideas and strength to continue with this blog. Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate you stopping by! Thanks for the comments!

  6. Thank you very much for sharing such an abundance of wonderful ideas and making it easier to present interesting visuals for so many lessons!
    I would like to ask if the link (A color version for the outside top is here:
    is no longer available, because it keeps saying webpage can not be found.
    (Of course, I am somewhat computer challenged. Could be me :0)
    God Bless You

    1. Thanks so much for visiting! And, thank you for telling me about the broken link! I have corrected it. I had to change over some of the graphics and some of the links were missed. Thanks again!

  7. Hi! I am interested in doing this project with my CCE class. What tune does the song go to? I can't figure it out!

    1. The tune is 'Jesus Loves Me!'. Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  8. Good morning Debbie! I am so excited I found this! I am trying to print from this link and it says it is loading but never does anything. Is this no longer available?

    1. Hi, it opened Ok here, if you want to email me @ I will send it as a PDF for you. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hello, thank you so much for putting this together. So excited to do it with our kids!

  10. I love that you have these wonderful creative, easy to make visuals and lessons for little ones! Great ways to teach important Bible truths to our children Thank you for sharing and making them available to others.

  11. This is so wonderfully helpful. I will use this for my second grade bible class for learning the disciples'names. Thank you so much!

  12. I was looking for something specific to using an egg carton. My three year old students loved doing this craft. They especially loved the "egg" shaped disciples.

  13. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho! Que Deus continue te abençoando! Tenho usado muitas coisas do seu blog!thank you so much!

  14. Thank you for the use of your hard work. I am using your egg carton idea for my AWANA Cubbies group. My daughter has been saving me egg cartons all year. In His Service, Debbie

  15. Thank you for all the work you did to put this lesson together and then to share it. To making disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples...

  16. Debbie,
    Thank you for all of your hard work on these lessons and sharing them with all of us. I have a question on the lift flap questions. What are the answers supposed to be for Jesus told his disciples to 1. and to 2.?

    1. Hello Jamie, this was the last couple sentences of the lesson. Scripture is Matthew 10:1-8. Jesus told them to preach and heal the sick. Thanks for visiting!

  17. Great job! Thank you so much for sharing! We are a small church with limited resources!

  18. Que trabalho maravilhoso! Uma riqueza de ideias surpreendente. Que Deus continue a te inspirar.

    1. Thank you! Translation: What a wonderful work! A wealth of supreme ideologies. May God continue to inspire you.

  19. Very creative work! Thank you so much for sharing.

  20. Your work is just amazing! May God bless you a lot for it. "James and Thaddeus, sons of Alpheus". In fact Matthew Levi is son of Alpheus and the minor James. But probably they are differents Alpheus, otherwise the authors would say it, in my opinion

  21. Where did you get the balance scale and boat? They are really nice

    1. My husband & I made the boat a long time ago. I found the scales at Hobby Lobby. If you put decorative scales in the search bar at Amazon, there are several affordable ones. Hobby Lobby has this @ I put in scales in the search bar and they have a couple. They are used for decorating.

  22. Thank you for this great resource and free printables!! I am excited to use it with my Sunday School class.


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