This is one of those random things you end up doing with kids....
We were looking at Mohawks on the iPad. Yes, I don't know why. So then we saw a Native American porky roach. That led to the discussion of porcupines. Somehow, we talked about porcupines, raccoons and skunks that morning. Seriously, I don't know why or how. So, I told them that we would do our forest animal study next week and learn more about these animals. So, here we are. BTW, they thought these animals God created are amazing!
We began our study about porcupines with these information posters I created. They are two to a page to save printing. They have a real photo and information text easy for preschoolers to understand and hold their interest. Click here to download.
The kids just think they are having fun while they do these positional activities, but they are learning too! Sorry, these are only black & white since I only planned to use them for one week. I used Scotch tape and taped the two sides together on the back. I cut the porcupine and tree out. I just used the tape to attach the tree to the under card since I had it right there. Fold the porcupine and it is ready. I folded the papers like a giant card and that was new and fun for them. They can be cut into separate cards if that is how you like to use them. It can also be glued to a file folder to reuse.

Use toothpick to insert head into front of 2 5/16” Styrofoam eggs. There are a lot of choices to finish these porcupines. I thought toothpicks might hurt them. And uncooked spaghetti noodles might break easy. I was going to use small pretzels until I saw these chenille stems. I liked the colors on them because they look like porcupine quills. My husband cut the chenille stems into 1/4th lengths (4 from each stem) and they stuck them into the Styrofoam egg to complete their porcupine. These can be painted before adding the chenille stems if you'd like.
I painted them and had them ready for the kids to add the face and chenille stems. They loved the chenille stems! Another good thing about the chenille stems: they are bendable. That was fun for them!
Click here to download the porcupine heads.
I also added a quick fun maze for them to do. To
I made these posters two per page to save ink. These are real photos of the animals that live in the forest and woods. I tried to find full body photos of each animal in their natural habitat. These are in color only. Click here to download.
Click here to read "Porcupines: God's Perfect Pin Cushions" by Apologetics Press.
General information about porcupines for posters found here.
Library books pictured:
Porcupining: A Prickly Love story (Loved this one)
Porcupines (we didn't use this one)
Scholastic Porcupines (N/A @ Amazon)
Nature's Children: Porcupines (There is a great close-up photo of their quills.)
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