This is week 18 in the Life of David series. The lesson is found in 1 Samuel 29-30 and David has to fight the Amalekites to get his wives back that were captured.
Saul has been very upset because God isn’t with him anymore. Saul
went to see a medium and asked for Samuel. Samuel came and told Saul that his
kingdom has been taken away from him. God has given the kingdom to David
because of Saul’s disobedience. Samuel told him that Saul and his sons would
die in a battle with the Philistines the next day.
(Chapter 29) David and his men were with King Achish prepared
to fight with the Philistines, but when the princes of the Philistine army
walked by and checked on everyone, they didn’t like David being in their group.
They were afraid he would change his mind and fight against them. So, David
left the Philistine army.
(Chapter 30) When they came to Ziklag, David learned that the
Amalekites had attacked and burned the city. They took everyone that was there
as captives including both of David’s wives. They cried and David was very
upset because the people were talking about stoning him.
David told Abiathar the priest to bring him the ephod. David talked
to God and asked Him if he should go after the Amalekites. God told him to find
them because David would catch up to the Amalekites and get everyone back.
David took his men and went after the Amalekites. As they
were traveling, they found an Egyptian man in a field. After giving him some bread
and water, the man told David that he was from Egypt and was a servant of an
Amalekite. He had been left behind when he became sick three days before.
The Egyptian told David of the places they had attacked and
that they had burned Ziklag with fire. David asked him if he could take him to
the Amalekite troop. The Egyptian said “Promise that you won’t kill me or
return me to my master. Then, I will take you to them.”
When the Egyptian took David to see the Amalekite troop, they
saw them spread out over the land. They were enjoying themselves eating,
drinking and dancing. They were happy because of all the captives and spoil (things}
they had taken from the lands of Judah and the philistines.
David attacked them from sundown until the next evening. The
only ones that escaped were the 400 young men who rode camels and fled. David rescued
both of his wives and everyone else was found safe also.
All of their animals were recovered, and David took them as
his spoil. David had left 200 of his men behind as they were looking for the
Amalekites. The men had said they were too tired to go any farther. They caught
up with them at the Brook Besor. They went to meet David and he greeted them.
The men that had gone with David all the way said “These men do not get any of
the spoil that we recovered since they did not go with us to the fight. Just
give them their women and children!”
But David told them the Lord saved them and protected them
against the fight with the Amalekites. They had an agreement that the supplies
would be shared by all; whether you fight the battle or take care of the
When David returned to Ziklag, he sent some of the spoil to his
friends of Judah and the other cities where David and his men had been living.
He told them “Here is a present for you.”
The printables for David in this series are for an older
age group than I usually post. Most of these lessons about David are not
appropriate for early elementary. But David is a great study. So, as you can
see from the above picture, there is a Q&A. This could be used with younger
groups by using the answer sheet and just asking the questions for
discussion. Each post in this series will have a maze and some type of puzzle.
The additional application has thought questions about how the students can apply
the lesson to their daily life. There are answer sheets for all worksheets
except for the last application. Everyone will have a different set of
answers. Click here to download. Bible Verse: 1 Samuel 30:4
Click here to see the entire list and links for the Life of David series.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission.
This is a bit of an obscure story, one not often told to children, so thank you for your resources.