2.12. Hannah & Samuel

Friday, August 4, 2017
Hannah wants a baby so bad and God answers her prayers. This is lesson 12 in the second quarter of our Bible study for preschoolers.
There was a man named Elkanah and his wife was Hannah. They went to the temple every year. Elkanah loved Hannah, but she could not have any children, and she was so sad. Every year when they went to the temple, Hannah would cry and not eat because she wanted a baby so much.

Eli the priest was sitting in the temple. Eli was watching Hannah as she cried and prayed for God to give her a baby boy. Eli saw Hannah praying and told her to go in peace, that the Lord would give Hannah what she had prayed for.
God answered Hannah’s prayer! Hannah had a baby boy and she named him Samuel because “Because I have asked for him from the Lord.”
When Samuel was a little older, Elkanah & Hannah took Samuel to the temple. Samuel stayed with Eli to help in the temple and they visited him every year.
When Samuel was older, Eli and Samuel were lying down. Eli was old and couldn't see very well. The Lord called Samuel. And he answered, “Here I am!” Samuel ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.”  
Eli told Samuel that he didn't call for him and to lay back down. This happened again, then the third time Eli realized that God must be talking to Samuel. Eli told Samuel to say “Speak Lord, I will hear what You say.”  The next time the voice said "Samuel! Samuel!" he answered. God talked to Samuel and told him important things.

Samuel listened to God. He loved and obeyed God.
The lesson is found in 1 Samuel 1 & 3.
We used this project for this lesson, even though I posted it earlier here.
Another fun idea: Lay a blanket on the floor and let students lay on it. Pretend to sleep, then call "Samuel....". Have them get up and come to you like Samuel did. They can do this for a long time!

Not all are shown.

Click here to download the pictures to color.

Click here to see the lesson, printables and more for early elementary ages.
More Samuel preschool printables here.

1 comment

  1. Have just come across your website - what a boon. Well done. Easy to use and download the pics for helping with story telling. Thank you so much. Our church children will enjoy these.


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