The manger that I used for a visual for this class is easy to make! You can see the directions here.
Click here for the early elementary post with ideas and printables.
Mary and
Joseph were very happy! God sent an angel named Gabriel to tell them they were
going to have a baby. A very special baby!
Mary and Joseph lived in a town called Nazareth. One day, the
government told them they had to go to the town where their family was from. Everyone’s
family had to be registered (counted) because the Roman government told them to.
Joseph and Mary left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem.
When Joseph and Mary finally reached Bethlehem, they saw all
the people. So many people had come to Bethlehem to be counted! Joseph and Mary
went to the inn (a place to stay while they were in Bethlehem), but the inn was
full. There wasn’t an empty room for them! The only place for Joseph and Mary
to stay was in the stable! (We don’t know who offered it) The stable is where
the animals are kept.
It was time for Mary’s special baby to be born! Mary wrapped
Him in cloths and laid Him in a manger. A manger holds the food for the
animals. Do you know Who that special
baby is? Jesus Mary and Joseph named the baby Jesus just like God told
them to. Mary was so happy to have baby Jesus!
the night that Jesus was born, there were shepherds staying in the fields
watching over their sheep. Suddenly, one of God’s angels appeared in the sky!
The shepherds were afraid when they saw the angel! The angel told the shepherds
not to be afraid. The angel came to tell them GOOD NEWS! The angel told the
shepherds that there was a very special baby that had been born that day! He is
the Savior!
a lot of angels came from Heaven, praising God! When the angels left and returned to Heaven,
the shepherds left right away to go to Bethlehem! They couldn’t wait to see the
Savior! The angels had told them the special baby was wrapped in cloths and
lying in a manger.
shepherds found the special baby with Mary and Joseph in the stable. The
shepherds were so excited to find Jesus! They told everyone that they had seen
the special baby! The shepherds went back to their fields worshipping and
praising God! They were so thankful to be able to see Jesus!
There are so many ideas on this post to use with this lesson! There is a map, a newspaper and crafts.
This was posted last week and includes what we did for the census, which really helped 3 year olds to understand (my second graders too), and what we did for the shepherds visiting.
Click here to print the visuals.
Click here to print the pictures to color.
Click here to print the pictures to color.
I used this simple Birth of Jesus Bulletin Board for the quarter. The graphics are from a Nativity Bulletin Board Set here. I used this paper for the night sky as the background. I have used these Moroccan letters for several bulletin boards.

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