I really like studying King Solomon! This is part 17 and the last in the series for David. This has a set of Magnetic Board Visuals with an outline included to use as a base for the lesson.
Cathy uses
these visuals with a magnetic board. She cuts the pieces out, numbers them on
the back (remember to number this set), laminates them and adds thin magnets on the back. Put your title up
first, then add and take away each visual as you teach the lesson. They can
also be used as visuals alone, a flip chart, and/or a bulletin board. This set includes an outline of the study. The numbers on the left match the numbered visuals. Click here to download the visuals.
You can find the lesson with other visuals, more ideas and printables here.

Cathy Whitacre is a Christian, wife, mother, Nana, sister, and friend. Cathy and her husband Gerry worship with the New Hope church of Christ, in Bradyville, Tennessee.

Cathy Whitacre is a Christian, wife, mother, Nana, sister, and friend. Cathy and her husband Gerry worship with the New Hope church of Christ, in Bradyville, Tennessee.
Family has been one of her crowning joys
in life. Married to Gerry for over 47 years they have had many years of
adventure and love. Her children and grandchildren have kept her busy and
happy. Everywhere Cathy has lived from Ohio, Illinois, Texas, Georgia,
Tennessee and more she has made dear friends who she considers family.
Cathy has had the opportunity to
participate in mission work for many years. She has had the privilege of
speaking at Ladies Days, teaching Vacation Bible Schools, and conducting
workshops in Jamaica, Scotland, New Zealand, and here in the United States.
Cathy has been involved in teaching for
over 50 years, from nursery to adults. Cathy feels that Christian Education is
one of the greatest mission efforts we can be involved in, and the benefits are
Absolutely fantastic!