We had a Memphis mission in July which you can see more here.
The Elders decided to do a mission work in our home town. The Deacons that work
with the children set up a mini VBS style learning session for the kids for the
2 hours that the adults were in the assembly. I asked to teach about Moses. I
have a lot of visuals for Moses and there is so much to study about him! I wanted to
discuss the Old Law and bring the last night of learning into the New Law and Jesus.
So, this post is the first nights lesson which includes The Birth of Moses, Moses
Left Egypt and The Burning Bush. Yes, it seems like a lot, but there were 25 minutes that I used as an overview. I wanted the kids to learn as much as they could! They had 3 other areas of review for each evening.

We had these classes in a newer part of the building, and we are not permitted to staple anything to the walls. So, I decided to use the blue Trifold board for added visuals. I love them! The make a great large visual for the kids and they store super great. You can purchase the pyramid graphics here or make your own with this graphic. I used green bulletin board paper and added the grass. and then layered the blue for the water at the bottom. I used my Cricut to cut the letters. I use a 12"x18"x1" green Styrofoam for the base. If you can buy one to fit the inside, that would be better. Around the back and sides, I added the 'bulrushes' found here. Lay the blue felt on the Styrofoam to cover and bunch in the front for the water. I found my basket at Michaels and it is 12"wide x 8"deep x8"tall. This style is pretty close to give you an idea. I filled the bottom with a towel and added a wrapped baby doll on the top.

I also used this for the burning bush. I used the hand you see on the right for Moses when his hand get leprosy. I keep it tucked under my arm and the kids just loved it! I also used a staff which is just a great stick Lawrence found and made for me.
I also used this
giant snake, which the kids love! I almost didn't buy it and knew I would be sorry. I haven't seen it again. I throw down the rod and pick up the snake. See, I can't turn it into a snake, but God can!
I used these Moses Fact Rings as a handout. I put them onto Book Rings (Snap Rings) so the kids could take them off and put the facts of Moses in order.
Click here to print.
I created these Moses in the Basket Bracelets first, but changed my mind and used the Fact Rings above instead. You can
download them here.
I did use some visuals for this lesson. The above is the first in this set. You can
download them here.
Print this lesson
Click on the above pictures to see more for this lesson.
You can see
part 2 here. Week 3 and 4 will be posted this month.
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